Reading with M’Cheyne

Reading with M’Cheyne

Randall Grossman
The Thessalonian letters are among the earliest written in the New Testament. In them Paul (and his missionary companions Silvanus and Timothy) open their hearts to the new converts and infant church in that Macadonian city. In revealing their thoughts and motives, the Holy Spirit gives us a...
Chris Donato
A long time ago, as Genesis 1 recounts, God began naming, separating, and assigning functions and roles to his creation. In other words, he spoke purpose for his creation into existence (often when God speaks, reality changes). The garden that resulted--Eden, by name--was pervaded with the presence...
Chris Donato
"One who loves instruction is one who loves knowledge, but one who hates correction is an ignoramus" (Prov 12:1). As we've seen in earlier devotionals this week, those who dare embrace the moniker Christian must be known by their love--indiscriminately to all, and especially to each other. They...
Chris Donato
When's the last time you went to a private social club? If you think that kind of thing is for the rich alone, guess again. The Yellow Pages are filled with lists of social clubs in which anyone in the neighborhood can become a member. They meet mainly on Sunday mornings, but don't be foolish...
Chris Donato
Open theist John Sanders landed a great title for his book, The God Who Risks. Unfortunately, his definition of "risk" isn't compatible with the orthodox doctrine of God. For Sanders, God risks because he waits to see how we will respond to him; in fact, he's not quite sure how we'll respond to him...
Chris Donato
The timing is right. Next Sunday marks the celebration of Palm Sunday, and our Scripture passage today highlights the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Holy City, by the Messiah. Thus we can start our week contemplating this important event in the life of Christ. First, let's recognize the...
Gerald Bray
John 9:39: For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see and those who see may become blind. Why is it that some people are handicapped from birth? In ancient times, and even now in some parts of the world, it is often assumed that physical defects are the result of sin...
Gerald Bray
Prov 5:3-4: The lips of a forbidden woman drip honey and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. There is no word more frequently heard and nothing more passionately desired in life than love. Everyone wants it, and endless songs and...
Gerald Bray
Gal 3:13-14: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us... so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith. What is the best way of helping other people who are in trouble? If someone...
Gerald Bray
Prov 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. One of the sad things about the modern age is the way in which the book of Proverbs has faded from sight. In the nineteenth century, children...