Pastoral Ministry

Let me begin with a question. When you think of politics, watch campaign news, or read the latest pollsters - does your heart race? Do you get excited? Do you have that "I've got to do something!" feeling? Okay, if you answered "yes," then, at the very least, you are an emotionally invested citizen...
Samuel Miller (1769-1850) one of the early professors at Princeton Seminary was a minister and churchman. He was licensed to preach in 1791 and became Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government in 1813 serving the school until 1849. He was not afraid to address controversies of his...
Samuel Miller (1769-1850) was a noted pastor-theologian remembered for his wise council concerning revivals as well as his fervent commitment to praying for authentic revival (as opposed to the pelagian-styled revivalism of Charles Finney). His keen theological mind was used by God in training up...
An awesome action pic! As I begin a mini-series on "Puritan Preaching," I want to begin with the image of the Puritan preacher from John Bunyan’s, The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678). This will serve as an enticing introduction to an approach that remains so relevant in the church today. But first, I...
Before Princeton Theological Seminary was founded in 1812, John Witherspoon, the sixth president of Princeton College, wrote in the Form of Government of the Presbyterian Church: “Truth is in order to goodness, and the great touchstone of truth, its tendency to promote holiness.” As early as 1800,...
I've been reading a good bit of Cormac McCarthy since late spring, when I have time for fiction anyway. McCarthy is a master of terse understated conversation and landscapes, and I happen to be a special admirer of landscapes--real and artistically rendered. But McCarthy is also a sharp observer...
My first experience at church planting was not easy. It was trying times to keep a small group meeting in a nursing home, a YWCA hall, and even an occasional hotel room! For a while, it seemed like we were vagabonds carrying boxes of Bibles and song books in and out of doors from one Sunday to the...
Brad Litttlejohn
This is the third in a series exploring the theology of Two Kingdoms across a variety of topics. The first article can be found here , and the second here - Editor It's tough being a pastor. I know because I've never dared try, but I've watched others try. Sure, you can always avoid preaching on...
Preachers ought to tell the truth. I'm afraid that truth-telling may be an overlooked virtue when it comes to preaching. I'm not talking here about the obvious violators who claim to have healed people from AIDS and raised the dead without any verification. I'm not talking about those pastors who...
In recent weeks I have been preaching through Job. The series is not a verse-by-verse exposition but a thematic overview. I suspect the series will consist of nine sermons. However, I always reserve the right to call an audible. Preaching Job is a privilege. It is also quite challenging. Each week...