
W e continue our reading of the "Puritan Paperback," Sermons of the Great Ejection , with the third study of Anglican Thomas Watson (parts 1 , 2 ). “The Great Ejection” was the explusion of nearly 20% of Anglican ministers from their cures in the 1662 Act of Uniformity. Thomas Watson’s sermon...
Update (Monday, October 24): Because of the amount of sign-ups for this giveaway, we are now giving away two (2) of these bundles. Thank you for your interest and support! Please share the news with your friends. Meet the Ps' friends at Reformation Heritage Books has provided us two 3-book bundles...
If a preacher had one sermon to preach to unbelievers he would likely preach something that follows the Apostolic pattern in the book of Acts. But what about when faced with the chance to give just one message to those who are Christians? Here there is, naturally, a lot more liberty. Usually, when...