
It’s a common objection to the doctrine of particular redeeming grace: What about free will? With a free will can’t we desire God, and decide to follow him on our own initiative? But that argument begs the question; what needs to be proven is merely assumed. We need to know what Scripture teaches...
I doubt that many readers will have any difficulty accepting the premise that we live in tumultuous times. Consider the contradictory claims surrounding the recent election: “There was no Fraud!” “Stop the Steal!” How about claims related to COVID 19? “Masks do not do any good.” “Mask demonstrably...
Lee Gatiss
I think there is a good case that Peter Martyr Vermigli is the brains behind Article 17 of the Thirty-nine Articles . He was the highly respected and trusted Regis Professor of Divinity at Oxford (1548-1554), and actually wrote a tract on predestination at around the time the Article was being...
Lee Gatiss
There has been some interesting discussion in various places generated by my previous posts on reprobation . That's good. It's hard to talk about, but important to do so. Rather than repeat myself ad nauseum in those discussions, it's probably useful if I here make a number of clarifications about...
Lee Gatiss
If I may be permitted one final thought (for now) on this difficult doctrine of reprobation, it is vital that we do not treat it lightly but use it well. All scripture and doctrine is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training us in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The pastoral...
Lee Gatiss
In one of my former posts on the darker side of predestination , I quoted the great Anglican scholar J.B. Mozley. He said, "There is no real distinction between abandoning men to a certain state, of which punishment will be the consequence, and ordaining them to that punishment." I must say, I have...
Lee Gatiss
Continuing to ponder the idea that God appointed some to everlasting life and others to a different fate. Is this really a genuinely Anglican idea, as my previous posts about the dark side of predestination and the way not to apply reprobation have asserted? The first commentary on the Thirty-nine...
Lee Gatiss
In my former article on The darker side of predestination , I spoke about how Article 17 of The Thirty-nine Articles is not entirely limited to talking about the positive aspects of that doctrine. It does indeed mention "the sentence of predestination", the flip side of the coin, as do other...
Lee Gatiss
I was interested to see that TGC have launched in Australia. I hope and pray it will be a great support and encouragement to gospel-minded people down under. On their shiney new website, there is an article posted two days ago on the great Anglican theologian, W.H. Griffith Thomas by my friend and...