Book Giveaway: Pilgrims, Warriors, and Servants

Mar 2, 2018
Thanks to our friends at Latimer Trust we have two (2) copies of Pilgrims, Warriors, and Servants: St Antholin Lectures Volume 1: 1991-2000 edited by Lee Gatiss. This volume includes the following chapters:
- J I Packer: "A Man For All Ministries: Richard Baxter 1615-1691"
- Geoffrey Cox: "The Rediscovery and Renewal of the Local Church: The Puritan Vision"
- Alister E McGrath: "Evangelical Spirituality: Past Glories, Present Hopes, Future Possibilities"
- Gavin J McGrath: "‘But We Preach Christ Crucified’: The Cross of Christ in the pastoral theology of John Owen 1616-1683"
- Peter Jensen: "Using the Shield of Faith: Puritan Attitudes to Combat with Satan"
- J I Packer: "An Anglican to Remember - William Perkins: Puritan Popularizer"
- Bruce Winter: "Pilgrim’s Progress and Contemporary Evangelical Piety"
- Peter Adam: "A Church ‘Halfly Reformed’: The Puritan Dilemma"
- J I Packer: "The Pilgrim’s Principles: John Bunyan Revisited"
- Ashley Null: "Conversion to Communion: Thomas Cranmer on a Favourite Theme"