Listen to Eric Alexander on the Book of Revelation

On July 18 the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals began airing Eric Alexander's sermons on the Book of Revelation on the Hear the Word of God Podcast.

Of all the books of the Bible, the Book of Revelation has received diverse attention from the Christian world. In this rich study, Rev. Alexander proclaims the kingdom of God here now and yet to come in its fullness. God has opened a door into heaven in this book, providing a vision of the exalted King of kings on His throne. There is nothing we need more.

Today, and in every generation, people long for the rest found in Christ. The opportunity we have to share this Good News through podcasts is significant. Now people all over the world can access Eric’s rich, God-glorifying teaching through this podcast. Be sure to subscribe! It's available wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit for more information.

Robert Brady