Meet the Puritans: Top 10 from 2018

The end of the year is close at hand, so we decided to look back at some of our most popular articles from 2018. Here's a list of our top ten:
10. Philip Ryken, The Crook in the Lot
God rules the universe, even when we suffer. For some this is a bitter pill to swallow; for Thomas Boston (1676-1732), it was the greatest comfort in the world.
9. Andrew Compton, Meredith Kline on Genesis
Guest reviewer, Professor Andrew Compton, evaluates a "new" commentary by Meredith Kline on Genesis.
8. Henry Jansma, 39 Articles—The Visible and Invisible Church (1)
Some think that the true Church depends on tradition or apostolic succession. Drawing from Article 19, Henry Jansma says otherwise.
7. Michael Lynch, A Year in PRRD
This year, Michael Lynch and Danny Hyde blogged through portions of Richard Muller’s Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics, "the crowning achievement of Richard Muller’s work on early modern theology."
6. Joel Beeke, The Puritans on the Lord’s Supper
Also this year, Joel Beeke began an important series on the doctrine of the Lord's Supper in the writings of various Puritans. If you like to follow the footnotes, this is the article for you!
5. William Boekestein, Six Benefits of Studying Church History
History's beginning is recorded in Genesis 1, and its end in Revelation 22. Everything that happens in-between is worthy of study.
4. Brian Hedges, Watchfulness: Recovering a Lost Spiritual Discipline
Guest blogger, Brian Hedges, introduced us to his new book, "Watchfulness: Recovering a Lost Spiritual Discipline" (Reformation Heritage Books).
3. Philip Ryken, Good Days, Bad Days
Some days are bright and happy, others dark and lonely. Through it all, we take hope in the knowledge of our sovereign God, and praise Him still.
2. Bob McKelvey, What is Puritan Theology?
Bob McKelvey discusses "Puritan Theology," and reminds us of theology's true goal.
1. Joel Beeke, My Top Ten Puritan Authors
Coincidently, the top of our list is itself a top ten list. Joel Beeke shares some Puritan writers that have profoundly shaped his thought.
Meet the Puritans is a conversation of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. It is supported only by its readers and gracious Christians like you. Thank you for joining us for 2018, and please prayerfully consider supporting us in the new year.