Reading Calvin in 2021

What's on your reading list for 2021? Have you considered Calvin?
The significance of Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion is hard to overstate. Consider what J.I. Packer once wrote in his foreword to A Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes:
"Great theology, like the Bible in which all great theology is soaked, is essentially transhistorical and transcultural, and interprets us, joltingly sometimes, as we seek to interpret it. The 1559 Institutio is great theology, and it is uncanny how often, as we read and re-read it, we come across passages that seem to speak directly across the centuries to our own hearts and our own present-day theological debates."
The Alliance is happy to again offer a year-long reading schedule through Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. As an added bonus, the Alliance is also offering a companion devotional, Zeal for Godliness, at an 80% discount. Read one page each day from pastors and scholars as they explore and explain the Institutes and its enduring relevance.
Even half a millennium later, there remains much to glean from Calvin's great work. As Packer continued,
"You never seem to get to the book’s bottom; it keeps opening up as a veritable treasure trove of biblical wisdom on all the main themes of the Christian faith. Do you, I wonder, know what I am talking about? Dig into the Institutio, and you soon will."
[ Download the Reading Schedule Here ]
Related Links:
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (free online version at CCEL)
Zeal for Godliness, edited by Derek Thomas & Carlton Wynne
A Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes, edited by David Hall & Peter Lillback
Calvin In The Public Square by David Hall
Everyday Prayer with John Calvin by Donald McKim
"Calvin and Piety" by Mark Johnston