Biblical Theology

I recently preached a series on the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians chapter five and found it to be, well, fruitful. This vital section of Scripture draws a sharp contrast between the works of the flesh (vv. 19-21) and the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in the lives of God’s true children (...
Michael Mock
Perhaps more than anything, we need to be heard by God. That is, we need divine favor. We need God to look upon us sinners favorably. The problem is, we’re sinners, and the God whose eyes are too pure to look well upon evil must look away from our defiled selves (Hab. 1:13). One of the of the...
One of the first sermon series I ever preached was on the life of Samson. I was new, at the time, to expository preaching, and I wanted to start with something manageable and familiar. Little did I know, a careful study of Judges 13-16 would radically alter my understanding of not just Samson, but...
How many times this week has someone told you, You’ve got this, after confiding in them about a difficult situation, work assignment, final exam, or important conversation that lay ahead of you? How many messages have you heard through advertisements, songs, or social media that have told you, You...
Josiah is introduced in 2 Kings 22 as the new king of Judah who is merely eight years old. As a young boy growing up in church, this story intrigued me. Later in elementary school in writing for an assignment asking what person in the Bible would I most like to spend one day with and what would we...
Mark Horne
Two summers ago, I preached through the book of Jonah. It remains one of the biblical narratives that I identify with most personally. Like Jonah, I once ran from God’s call on my life. The story of Jonah is straightforward, but its depths are profound, particularly in how it points us to Jesus...
God had cursed David for his sin with Bathsheba. The curse is spelled out in 2 Samuel 12:10-15. In the next chapter we see the ugly blossom of the curse in David’s life. Not surprisingly, sin produces sin in its own likeness. Just as David had committed sexual sin and murder so too do we see that...
You and I spend a lot of time interacting with others. In conversations and meetings, texts and emails, and social media posts, we communicate a lot of words and ideas. And in our actions we communicate a lot too, especially about what’s important to us. But do we, in all of these interactions,...
When the reader of second Samuel arrives at chapter eleven, he can hardly believe what he is reading. The previous two stories give us no warning about what is to come. We have no preparation for the David we are about to meet. In the previous stories David extended grace in beautiful and...
This world teaches us live in light of the moment. Whatever brings temporary pleasure, satisfies our desires, and fulfills our dreams takes priority, even at the cost of hurting others. We’re not taught to count the cost, or think about the consequences of our actions, but to enjoy the day at hand...