
Among contemporary theologians there are two I would rather read than all others. One is J.I. Packer and the other is Donald MacLeod. Like Packer, Donald MacLeod knows that theology is ultimately not for the academy but for the church. His most recent title is Christ Crucified: Understanding the...
Each of the titles in this post have my enthusiastic recom mendation. There are others that could easily be added to this list, but the following will get us started: Taking God At His Word by Kevin DeYoung This title earned my coveted and highly publicized "Most Important Book of the Year Award."...
Mother's Day is coming up. How about you get mom a good book? Often times when we buy books for women we buy "women's books." Don't misunderstand there are a lot of terrific books written specifically for women. In fact, there are few on my list as you will see. But there are also books on doctrine...
I don't know Kevin DeYoung. As far as I know I don't owe him any money. I'm not writing a book so I'm not expecting him to give me a cover blurb. I have never received a free copy of any of Kevin's books. I have never been to Michigan. I think I have covered all my bases. With a clear conscience...
From Glory to Golgotha by Donald MacLeod Scandalous:The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus by D.A. Carson Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came To Die by John Piper The Truth of the Cross by R.C. Sproul The Cross He Bore by Frederick Leahy The Message of the Cross by Derek Tidball
By now you have heard that Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision announced that the Christian charitable organization has decided that homosexual sex (inside "marriage") is not sinful and that one can be a practicing homosexual and faithful follower of Jesus. For some reason, World Vision...
The good folks at Matthias Media have posted a nice little article on Leon Morris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Quite simply, Dr. Morris was one of the most important New Testament scholars of the 20th century. In my own study, Leon Morris is one of the first people I look...
The good folks at Matthias Media have posted a nice little article on Leon Morris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Quite simply, Dr. Morris was one of the most important New Testament scholars of the 20th century. In my own study, Leon Morris is one of the first people I look...
Given the topic of the latest Mortification of Spin I thought I'd pass along a few recommendations. For some reason many of the junk books that populate the Christian market are targeted to women. So I'm calling for a holy rebellion against bad, sentimental, mystical, and otherwise silly books for...
Though the month escapes me, every year Barnes and Noble features famous banned books in their stores. The collection includes such titles as The Catcher in the Rye , Candide , Lolita , and even the Bible. Many of the books are now ubiquitous in libraries and bookstores. But there was a time when...