God the Father

Editorial Note: There are a number of reasons why Wigglesworth’s diary is a help to those who struggle with same-sex attraction in our day. First, as Carr points out, Wigglesworth understands that his desires are sinful and therefore must be confessed to the God who sees all. Second, Wigglesworth...
Each day you and I awake to a world that is experiencing the effects of sin. Broken relationships abound. Financial hardships occur. Places are wiped out by fires, hurricanes, and tsunamis. People die from sickness and starvation. In light of all the sin and suffering, we are oftentimes silent,...
This world teaches us live in light of the moment. Whatever brings temporary pleasure, satisfies our desires, and fulfills our dreams takes priority, even at the cost of hurting others. We’re not taught to count the cost, or think about the consequences of our actions, but to enjoy the day at hand...
Perhaps we’re most accustomed to thinking that we’re in danger of forgetting God during times of barrenness instead of times of blessing. But the Bible teaches that we’re just as prone to wander from worshiping God when things are going well for us as we are when things aren’t. In Deuteronomy 8 we...
Think back over the past year of your life. When have you grown the most in knowing, loving, trusting and obeying God? For most of us the answer will not be in times of strength but of weakness, not in times of joy but in suffering, not in times of prosperity but in poverty. Certainly that has been...
Glorification is the great hope of every believer in Christ. We who have been saved, who are now being sanctified and made into the image of Jesus, eagerly anticipate the day when the sanctifying process will be completed, and we will be glorified. In one sense, Christians really can’t even begin...
We don’t tend to think about thanking God with our whole heart when we are walking in the midst of trouble. Instead, we often cry out for help, pleading with the Lord to deliver us, change our circumstances, or save our loved ones. Of course, it is good and right to cry out to the Lord for...
It’s hard to imagine what life would be like without time. From scheduling appointments, events, worship services, school calendars, playdates, business meetings, ceremonies, meals, and the like, our entire lives revolve around time. But have you ever considered that time is a gift from God? He...
When was the last time you failed to follow God’s call to holiness? Maybe you knew you should give a gracious answer, but instead responded to a friend, spouse, or child with anger. Perhaps you knew you were to be content in a situation, but discontentment filled your heart. Or maybe you knew God...
When studying God one quickly has to answer challenging questions. How far does God’s authority extend? How much of what happens in this world is God responsible for? For those who take Scripture seriously God’s eternal decree cannot be avoided. Paul sums up what the entire Bible reveals: God “...