A shift has taken place in recent years—as Christians, we find ourselves suddenly living not merely in a world that is indifferent to the Gospel but one that is distinctively anti-Christian. Christian beliefs are often regarded in the West as immoral and dangerous. This situation is nothing new to...
Jeremiah 6:16 says, “ Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it ." The messages from the 1993 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology look at the “old paths” – what they must mean to us now and with a concern for our present...
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Our intrepid podcasters set out to answer one of life’s most pressing questions: Mello Yello® or Mountain Dew®? This specific gastronomic dilemma should quickly identify today’s special guest. Kevin DeYoung’s dietary list may read like the kid’s menu at Denny’s®, but his theological scholarship is...
This month marks the 20th anniversary of James Boice's home-going. To honor his legacy, the Alliance is offering a free download of the audio The Life of Dr. James Montgomery Boice . In addition, we are offering his last three books at a special bundled rate, and more. Visit ReformedResources.org...
Since its inauguration in 1974, the Philadelphia Conference of Reformed Theology has hosted some of the most gifted and trustworthy pastors, theologians and speakers from around the world in order to teach God's word and sound doctrine. Among the celebrated speakers at PCRT have been James Boice, R...
We are wrapping the 2018 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology this weekend at Proclamation Presbyterian Church outside Philadelphia. Our theme this year is "Spirit of the Age - Age of the Spirit." As we have been celebrating the exalted Christ's outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost and its...
This weekend we kickoff the 2018 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology , meeting April 13-15 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Our theme this year is The Spirit of the Age: The Age of the Spirit. I am excited to welcome Conrad Mbewe and Danny Akin and looking forward to exploring the mighty work of...
Until the end of the month, the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is giving our readers the opportunity to download audio from a variety of Conferences at which R.C. spoke over a 30 year period. If you visit Reformed Resources , you will find audio from the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed...
Thank you for partnering with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals . Resourcing the Church would not be possible without Alliance Members help. You see both the need in today's culture centric church and the value of Alliance resources. Your support keeps us sharing the Gospel! As partners in...
Derek Thomas proposed a question at the PCRT conference a couple weeks ago in his talk titled "The Holy Christian Life." It has been ringing through my ears as I've been reading about and discussing this sanctification debate in Reformed circles. He read Philippians 2:12-13, " Therefore, my beloved...