sovereignty of God

The doctrine of the perseverance of the saints means if a person is truly saved he cannot lose his salvation. Roman Catholicism and some strands of Protestant theology, such as traditional Arminianism, Methodism, and Pentecostalism reject this final point of Calvinism. They instead hold that a...
This morning I was reading a well-written and edifying article about cancer, the sovereignty of God and facing the reality of an uncertain future (humanly speaking). I think most parents have, at some time, gone through this thought process: what will happen to my children if something happens to...
Brian Mesimer
One of the most difficult things for a Christian worker to do is to wade into the midst of grief with a congregant. There we sit, feeling helpless and disarmed, watching the person across the table from us fall into pieces over their loss. When they gain the composure to speak, almost certainly...
Rachel Green Miller
Do you ever think about how much we complain? We complain about the weather: too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry. We complain about our jobs: deadlines, difficult bosses, co-workers. We complain about our families: our spouses, children, in-laws. We complain about life: traffic, waiting rooms, jury...
Rachel Green Miller
Do you ever think about how much we complain? We complain about the weather: too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry. We complain about our jobs: deadlines, difficult bosses, co-workers. We complain about our families: our spouses, children, in-laws. We complain about life: traffic, waiting rooms, jury...
Rachel Green Miller
Do you ever think about how much we complain? We complain about the weather: too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry. We complain about our jobs: deadlines, difficult bosses, co-workers. We complain about our families: our spouses, children, in-laws. We complain about life: traffic, waiting rooms, jury...
Dear Father in heaven, you know all things; you know of the great persecution which your church faces, the scattering of your people in regions of the world, and the lamentations of devout men and women over the loss of dear saints. You know by name the people who ravage your church, who enter...
Jon Payne Articles
This past Friday, a twenty-year-old man entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut with loaded weapons and brutally murdered twenty-six people. A majority of the victims were kindergarteners. Wickedness to this degree takes one's breath away. The otherwise peaceful rural town in...
Jon Payne Articles
This past Friday, a twenty-year-old man entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut with loaded weapons and brutally murdered twenty-six people. A majority of the victims were kindergarteners. Wickedness to this degree takes one's breath away. The otherwise peaceful rural town in...