
How do you envision a triune God carrying out the divine missions? Do you picture the Son and Spirit departing the throne room—lunchboxes in hand—only to return to Heaven in the evening and report to the Father? If so, how might we understand our communion with God or the presence of Jesus in the...
Jesus and the God of Classical Theism In Jonathan’s absence, James is flying solo as host, welcoming author and seminary professor Steven Duby to the podcast. Steven’s new book, Jesus and the God of Classical Theism: Biblical Christology in Light of the Doctrine of God , provides the foundation for...
History is replete with the stories of despots and tyrants who wielded unbridled power with cataclysmic results. Everyone knows the horrors of the Hitlers of the world. Shakespeare famously wrote about a man who committed atrocious acts of paranoid murder to keep power in Macbeth . In both history...
It is hard to overstate the impact the late Francis Schaeffer has had through his writings, ministry and work of L’Abri , the study centre he and his wife established in Switzerland. He was a man for his times who provided a Christian response to the cultural mega shift that began in the Sixties...
“The guy upstairs.” “The big man in the sky.” These are just two of the more common, modern slang terms for God. Aside from being utterly irreverent, they transgress the Second Commandment of having no graven images of God in that they grossly mistake this important attribute of God: His...
Malcolm Yarnell
James E. Dolezal, All That Is in God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2017) 176pp. , $13.50. Typically, when handed a new theology text, within a few minutes I will determine to read it sooner, read it later, or...