Sexuality and Our Public Lives: How Do We Fight For Our Bathrooms?

Recently my school district has been embroiled in a battle over restroom usage. I know, who in this country hasn't been? However, the good news is we won! Just a couple of days ago the school board voted 5-4 in favor of biology. In other words, biology will be the determining factor with regard to who uses which bathroom. I only hope that it lasts. A high brow leftist legal firm has already issued a statement stating that they will do whatever is necessary to protect the rights of transgender students not only here but across the United States. But, hey, it's a victory and we ought to praise the Lord for it.
But herein lies the rub…for me at least. This bathroom battle was won by focusing on the privacy of our children not to mention their safety. Again, let me clear, I am happy for the victory. I am tired of the Office of Civil Rights running roughshod over school districts, cake decorators, and wedding photographers just to name a few. Nevertheless, valued speakers in my district often said things like this, "If my children were transgender children I would be fighting just like you. But I am concerned for the safety of my child. And this practice invites problems and perhaps even danger for them." Now, there are a number of things that bother me about this sort of speech. For one, my child struggling with sin doesn’t justify that sin. Second, the implication of some speeches was that the problem was not with the transgendered students but with those boys who might sneak into the restroom for a peak at someone's daughter. Surely, this misses the sin in the mix. But my digression still has not reached the problem.
The problem is that bathroom battles are not about privacy and safety - not primarily. Again, let me be clear. They are about privacy and safety. I mean, who wants to send their little girl into the potty if Brenda happens to be there, who happened to be Bruce just yesterday? This may seem like sarcasm but it is not. It is called gender fluidity. So, I am all for privacy and safety. You bet I am. But let me ask. What about King Jesus?
Let me come at it from another angle. Psalm 2 says that the nations are in an uproar, people are plotting a vain thing, kings are taking their stand against God and His anointed Son. And what is God's response? The Psalmist says, He laughs! The Lord scoffs at the nonsense of boys wanting to be girls and vice versa. Again, let me be clear. I am not arguing with a person's experience. I am not saying that there aren't girls who want to be boys and boys who desire to be girls. What I am saying is that such a desire is rooted in sin. It is sin.
Now, what are sinners called to do? According to the Psalmist, they are to kiss the Son, pay homage to the Christ, bow in repentance lest they perish due to His anger. Think about how much better it would be if the board had decided to kiss the Son rather than simply decide for safety and privacy. Deciding to kiss the Son would have entailed safety and privacy but safety and privacy do not entail kissing the Son. In fact, they only suspend the inevitable slide into the Sodom and Gomorrah we are sure to become if the Lord tarries.
Jeffrey A. Stivason has been serving the Lord as a minister of the gospel since 1995. He was church planter and now pastor of Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church in Gibsonia, PA. He also holds a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. Jeff is the Managing Editor for Place for Truth.