Posts by Philip Ryken

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Frank James is a good friend from my Oxford days and I grieve for the loss he has suffered. Lisa's family lost a beloved husband, father, brother, and son in a climbing accident a couple of years ago, so we know something of what they are going through right now. A video of Frank's statement to the...
"Monotheistic religions that lay claim to the one and only possible truth are doomed by their very nature to end up in conflict. The only way out is to free ourselves from these ancient divisive creeds and thus extinguish their fires of righteousness" (Carolyn D. Lewis, Ocean View, Delaware, in a...
"Now this London preacher flew back to the UK and was speaking at the Keswick Convention in the Lake District. And he threw in these three testimonies. At the close of his teaching session, four elderly pastors came up and said, “We got saved between 25 and 35 years ago, respectively, through that...
So that's what I've been suffering from all these years: Irritable Clergy Syndrome! I wonder if that diagnosis may prove useful with all the people who have to put up with me on a daily basis. "I'm sorry, honey -- it's just that my Irritable Clergy Syndrome seems to be acting up again today. . . "
The story about "The Man from George Street" is not from a New Zealander at all, but from David Smethurst of Australia. A friend from Tenth Church says the clip is available at the following address: .
My colleage Aaron Messner concluded his sermon series on Titus on Sunday night, and his comments on Paul's closing appeal to do good works are well worth sharing: "If God saves us by grace alone, through faith alone, in the finished work of Christ alone, then what is the point of good works?...
"Now this London pastor was now very puzzled. Twice within a fortnight he had heard the same testimony. He then flew to preach in the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Perth. And when his teaching series was over, the senior elder of that church took him out for a meal. And he said, “Mate, how’d you...
I have been kindly and I hope reliably informed that Ray Comfort (see "The Man from George Street, Part 1") is from New Zealand, actually.
The following poem by Joe Bayly recently appeared in the bulletin of College Church in Wheaton: Praise God for Christmas Praise Him for the Incarnation for Word made flesh. I will not sing of shepherds watching flocks on frosty night or angel choristers. I will not sing of stable bare in Bethlehem...
I resonate with what Derek says about Mondays, and suppose that many preachers do. I find a full day of preaching and ancillary ministry to be very draining. This summer a homiletics professor cited research indicating that preaching a one-hour sermon is the physical equivalent of four hours of...
"That Baptist pastor flew to Adelaide in Australia the next week. And ten days later, in the middle of a three day series in a Baptist church in Adelaide, a woman came to him for counseling. He wanted to establish where she stood with Christ. And she said, “I used to live in Sydney. And just a...
First thing Monday morning is my main time of prayer for our missionaries. In reading and praying over recent missionary correspondence this morning I came across a good reminder from Robert Speer: "In this supernatural cause (world missions), which rests on a supernatural charter and is led by an...
A number of years ago in a Baptist church in Crystal Palace in southern London, the Sunday morning service was closing and a stranger stood up in the back, raised his hand; he said, “Excuse me, pastor; can I share a little testimony?” The pastor looked at his watch. He said, “You’ve got three...
A member of Tenth Presbyterian Church recently gave me a sermon CD from the British evangelist Ray Comfort, with a marvelous real-life story of God's work through the ministry of a man from Sydney Australia. My assistant Anne Davies has kindly typed a transcript, which I will share in subsequent...
At the risk of doubling Derek's envy, Eschenbach played Mozart piano concertos 23 and 24 to rapturous applause. Our seats are on the back side of the orchestra, in the third tier -- perfect for this concert because we could watch Eschenbach conduct with nods of the head, raised eyebrows, and other...
In a November 24 letter to the editor of The Wall Street Journal , Dan Heneghan of Monkton, Maryland, decries the defense of plagiarized sermons: "The Rev. Steve Sjogren preaches that 'attribution is a waster of time,' a perspective not embraced by Christ as he was preoccupied with referencing the...
This may be old news, but I first learned of it yesterday and thought it would be good to share: Our friend Michael Horton has been named the initial holder of the J. Gresham Machen Chair of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California. It is good to see a serious chair in...
I believe I am right in saying that Derek Thomas is now a grandfather, and for the first time. Derek, would you care to give us any personal reflections on this significant milestone in the Thomas family?
The star was so beautiful, large, and clear, That all the other stars of the sky Became a white mist in the atmosphere. And by this they knew that the coming was near Of the Prince foretold in prophecy. Thus wrote Henry Wadsworth Longfellow concerning the star of Bethlehem, which of all the signs...
The star was so beautiful, large, and clear, That all the other stars of the sky Became a white mist in the atmosphere. And by this they knew that the coming was near Of the Prince foretold in prophecy. Thus wrote Henry Wadsworth Longfellow concerning the star of Bethlehem, which of all the signs...
From Charles Spurgeon's sermon on "Peter's Restoration" ("And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the saying of the Lord"; Luke 22:60-61): "I like to think of the singular combination: the crowing of the cock,...
My friend Chun Lai recently traveled home to Hong Kong and Australia to minister to his family after the death of his father. The invitation to participate in the funeral service posed some real challenges, as Chun explains: "The Lord gave me something to say when I was at a complete loss for words...
John Piper gave a rousing address on William Tyndale yesterday at the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theology Society (ETS). The address was sponsored by Crossway Books as part of its ongoing effort to promote the English Standard Version (ESV). Justin, please provide a link if and when the...
For the sake of clarity, I believe Derek means Richard Dawkins, the high priest of evolution as a worldview. And I wonder if maybe the Stephen came from another eminent scientist: Dr. Hawking.
A friend sent the following link to an article about two Ohio congregations that have voted to leave the Presbyterian Church USA: I was particularly struck by Pastor Weyrick's comments about investing time and energy in fighting...
Writing in, Daniel Holland describes his traumatic experiences as a waiter in a small restaurant (location unknown), serving the "Christian table" on Sunday nights: "I'd heard from counteless others that the 'Church crowd' is hands down the worst group of people to wait on. I...
Westminster Seminary's K. Scott Oliphint has just published a book with the very promising title Reasons for Faith: Philosophy in the Service of Theology . Bill Edgar writes: "This is a wonderful book. If given the attention it deserves, Reasons for Faith should change the discussion in matters...
Last week a New Jersey fisherman found a plastic bag full of letters in the surf off Atlantic City. There were about 300 letters in the bag -- some dating back to the early 1970's -- all addressed to the Reverend Grady Cooper, now deceased. Many of the letters asked for prayer, and perhaps the most...
A correspondent with much closer first-hand knowledge of missionary work in Kazakhstan has written to say that although he shares my frustration with Borat , he is not convinced that the film will prove to be much of a setback for gospel work there. In the interests of cultural understanding, I am...
Some readers may be aware that the President of the National Association of Evangelicals resigned yesterday over accusations of secret liaisons with a homosexual prostitute. Sadly, since Ted Haggard of New Life Church in Colorado Springs has been an outspoken critic of gay marriage, this scandal...
I have been loosely aware of the hype surrounding Borat , the mockumentary starring British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. However, it was only today that I learned the film's subtitle and cultural context. The full title is Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of...
Reuters reported this week that a 65-year old Dutch widow died of a heart attack right next to the grave where she planned to be buried. She was carrying a bag that contained her will and the full details for her funeral, including her choice of music. The grave was already the resting place for...
. . . is the title of a new book edited by Kelly Kapic of Covenant College and our own Justin Taylor. It is a fresh collection of three classic and practical works by John Owen on the doctrine of sin. Various books by Owen have been published through the years -- especially editions of The...
Yesterday New Jersey's highest court ruled that "the unequal dispensation of rights and benefits to committed same-sex partners can no longer be tolerated under our state constitution." While the court also said it "cannot find that a fundamental right to same-sex marriage exists in this state,"...
Writing for Reuters, Michael Conlon reports that a "fresh wave of atheistic books has hit the market this autumn, some climbing onto best-seller lists in what proponents see as a backlash against the way religion is entwined in politics." Among the books mentioned in the article are Letter to a...
I just received Rick Phillips's new exposition of Hebrews -- a handsome volume in the Reformed Expository Commentary series that I am helping to edit. This is a substantial work and I am grateful to see it in print, not least because I am hoping to preach from Hebrews 11 on Thanksgiving this year...
Up until a few weeks ago, Congressman Mark Foley served as the United States Representative from the 16 th District of Florida. In what is now a painful irony, Representative Foley formerly served as co-chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. Now he has resigned in disgrace for...
Up until a few weeks ago, Congressman Mark Foley served as the United States Representative from the 16 th District of Florida. In what is now a painful irony, Representative Foley formerly served as co-chair of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children. Now he has resigned in disgrace for...
David Shiflett is the author of Exodus: Why Americans are Fleeing Liberal Churches for Conservative Christianity . Shiflett draws on the work of Dean Kelley and others who have documented the sharp decline in membership of America's mainline Protestant churches. His approach is more journalistic,...
The fall issue of Southern Seminary's magazine opens with a manifesto from Al Mohler on "The State of Preaching Today." In his indictment of contemporary trends, Mohler mentions five critical areas of concern: 1. A loss of confidence in the power of the Word. 2. An infatuation with technology. 3...
Reading through some other people's lists has reminded me of a few books I should have included. Under the category of the books that were the most influential, both the Prayer of Jabez and Left Behind both deserve serious consideration. I left behind Left Behind because to me the series is really...
Tell us, Lig -- enquiring minds want to know: who does your quote about the Word of God come from? I'll guess Charles Spurgeon, but not with a lot of confidence.
Special thanks to Rick Phillips for calling me middle-aged. In my view, middle age begins at 50, a milestone I feel confident Rick will reach before me. Typically I only comment on my age when my birthday falls on a Sunday, which it didn't this year. In any case, though, no matter how old (or young...
In preparing for this week's sermon I came across James Boice's memorable comments on Genesis 18:20-21, in which the Lord says, "Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave, I will go down to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry that...
In doing a little research this week on illiteracy, biblical and otherwise, I came across a provocative statement from David Gelernter ("Bible Illiteracy in America," The Weekly Standard , May 23, 2005, Vol. 10, Issue 34): "My guess is that our next Great Awakening will begin among college students...
I have been reading with profit an article by Kevin DeYoung in the Spring 2006 issue of Westminster Theological Journal entitled "Divine Impassibility and the Passion of Christ in the Book of Hebrews." DeYoung seeks to refute the argument that the sufferings of Jesus show the true suffering nature...
Imagine a prison with such a positive atmosphere that the guards don't need to carry guns to protect themselves. Imagine a prison where inmates begin each day with Bible reading and prayer, leading some to faith in Christ. Imagine a prison where convicted felons open the door for you, look you...
Imagine a prison with such a positive atmosphere that the guards don't need to carry guns to protect themselves. Imagine a prison where inmates begin each day with Bible reading and prayer, leading some to faith in Christ. Imagine a prison where convicted felons open the door for you, look you...
Quentin Schultze is an astute commentator on issues in Christianity, technology, and the arts. In a recent issue of the PCA's ByFaith magazine he writes: "Young people witness some of the cheesy video and computer 'art' in worship and see it for what it is is: kitsch. Stock clip art. Old-fashioned...
In looking through Christianity Today 's list of the most influential evangelical books of the last half century, one can't help but notice the dearth of substantive theology. There are plenty of experiential biographies, lots of "practical" books for family life and church management, but almost...