Posts by Todd Pruitt

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D.A. Carson is one of the most important evangelical scholars in the world. He is a prolific writer and a co-founder (with Tim Keller) of the Gospel Coalition. Carson writes widely from scholarly commentaries to social criticism to pastoral ministry and evangelism. Justin Taylor has posted a series...
With all the publicity that Mormonism is getting these days both in politics and as a result of certain evangelicals inexplicably wanting to build bridges with Mormons I thought this article posted at Baptist Press was quite helpful. Christian, Mormon doctrinal differences By Tal Davis Dec 6, 2007...
Tom Ascol at Founders has posted an interesting article on the diminishing readership of state Baptist papers ( Decline of State Baptist Papers ). Okay, so it is not a subject that is interesting to a wide range of people. However, if you have ever read the paper for the Kansas Nebraska Convention...
What Is needed to-day is a Scriptural setting forth of the character of God-His absolute sovereignty, His ineffable holiness, His Inflexible justice, His unchanging veracity. What Is needed to-day Is a Scriptural setting forth of the condition of the natural man-his total depravity, his spiritual... This is a tidbit from Newspring Church in Anderson, South Carolina. Newspring is part of the new breed of mega-church which entices people to come with all the trappings of entertainment. Perry Noble, the pastor of Newspring was in a series called "American Idol"...
Justin Taylor has linked to a special offer from Ligonier Ministries ( Tabletalk Trial Subscription ). I have subscribed to Tabletalk for a few years. It is an outstanding magazine. Each issue is dedicated to a particular biblical or theological theme. In addition to the excellent articles,...
Triablogue has a link to the excellent paper on election and calling presented at the Building Bridges Conference by Dr. Greg Welty ( Election & Calling ).
I have been thinking lately about how difficult it must be to serve actively in a church as a layperson. It isn’t the demand on one’s time that is the hardest thing but the more challenging demand on one’s heart. To serve a local body of believers is to inevitably be exposed to both the best and...
Ben Wright links to an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal ( "Pragmatism, Tradition and Ignorance, Quite Frankly" ).
Justin Taylor has posted this helpful article on The Golden Compass ( Mohler on the Golden Compass ). This kid is awesome.
Tom Ascol over at Founders has some concluding thoughts about the Building Bridges Conference ( Building Bridges Conference--final thoughts ). Dr. Ascol was a co-sponsor with Dr. Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Seminary. You may also link to the conference audio from the Founders blog...
LTI posts this great question to ask all the "pro-choice" presidential candidates( Next Democrat Debate [SK] ).
Justin Taylor links to an interview and audio of C. J. Mahaney giving advice to men on being a husband and father ( C.J. Mahaney on Biblical Masculinity ) Good stuff.
I would recommend everyone listen to Jeff Noblit’s response to Malcolm Yarnell. Offered in a very different style (Noblit is a preacher), it is a good corrective to Dr. Yarnell’s address. There was a panel discussion this morning in which Dr. Yarnell helpfully affirmed that Baptist Calvinists and...
Pure Church has a link to the audio from the Sovereign Grace Leadership Conference ( Around the Blog in 80 Seconds ). There are some great messages here!
Throughout the sessions today I was struck that this is truly a new thing for Southern Baptists – a conference dedicated to doctrinal precision. What is more, it is the goal of Building Bridges to promote understanding and encourage unity among Southern Baptists who differ over the biblical...
The evening sessions on Monday featured James Merrit, pastor of Cross Point Church and past president of the Southern Baptist Convention and Al Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Merritt did a fine job but the evening belonged to Mohler. His message was deeply moving. I... Someone sent this to me a few months ago. Isaac Watts it aint!
The Building Bridges conference kicked off well today. Unfortunately, I arrived in Asheville just late enough to miss David Dockery's sesssion. I look forward to getting the CD. However, I was able to hear Tom Nettles' address on the historic union of Calvinism and Baptists. I would love every...
Dr. Sam Storms responds to Ben Witherington here ( ). This is an important debate people.
I am safely in Asheville. Man! That's a long drive. But it was beautiful trip. The Smokey Mountains are beautiful. I am thankful to be here. It's late (11:35 eastern). The opening sessions were outstanding. I will post more about those in the morning. Please take advantage of the audio provided by...
I am so thankful for the people of Metro East. I am grateful that they allow me the opportunity to attend important conferences. I am writing this post from Paducah, Kentucky. I decided to make a road trip out of the journey to North Carolina. I'll arrive in time tomorrow for the first session. The...
Recently, New Testament scholar Ben Witherington has criticized John Piper and the forthcoming "New Testament Theology" by Tom Schriener. Justin Taylor provides a link to a brief but helpful response to Witherington by Piper ( Piper Responds to Witherington ). Inexplicably, Dr. Witherington... This is a great satire. I cannot help but think about modern Westerner's tendency to turn everything that makes them uncomfortable into a crisis.
In the November issue of Touchstone Magazine ( ) there is an excellent forum on evangelicalism. I encourage you to read it. Russel Moore of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and regular contributor to Touchstone is featured.
Denny Burk has an interesting post on Ben Witherington's recent comments about a forthcoming book on New Testament theology ( ). What is of interest about this discussion is the matter of God and His concern for His glory. Check out the post and the comments section.
Wade Burleson engages in some very effective satire ( Abstaining from Tea Drinking ).
Good stuff from Russel Moore posted at "Paleoevangelical": "Would you vote for a candidate who agrees with you on every issue, except that he's a white supremacist?"
Justin Taylor has posted some great insight from D.A. Carson on Paul's parting words to the Ephesian elders ( "The Whole Counsel of God" ). Every preacher must share this burden. We are not commissioned to teach the wisdom of man. We are not called to suit the whims of man. God calls men to preach...
Phillip Melanchthon, Martin Luther’s faithful friend and successor in the German reformation wrote in his Loci , “We do better to adore the mysteries of deity than to investigate them.” To be sure, there is much mystery in contemplating such divine themes as the incarnation, the virgin birth, the... This, and the next two videos were posted over at Fide-O. Good stuff.
Justin Taylor has posted a link to a lecture series by J.I. Packer on the history and theology of the Puritans ( History and Theology of the Puritans ). One of the most influential theologians of our time, Packer is an expert on the topic. I encourage you to take the time to enjoy these lectures...
God willing, I will be attending this historic conference in North Carolina ( Bridges ) at the end of the month. I am thankful for the vision of Drs. Akin and Ascol to bring Baptists together where so many have sought division.
If God wills, I will soon be a doctoral student at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. It is Southern Baptist's oldest and largest seminary. It has a faculty of world-class scholars and one the world's largest theological libraries. It is also a stalwart of faithful...
David Kirkpatrick contributed an interesting article for the October 28th issue of The New York Times . The article is entitled “The Evangelical Crackup.” (The article can be accessed at ). Kirkpatrick explores the seeming decline of political unity and influence of American...
Justin Taylor has linked to an interesting interview over at the White Horse Inn ( Confusion Over Trent" ). Michael Horton interviews the Roman Catholic apologist Robert Sungenis over the doctrine of justification and the Council of Trent. Like any honest and well informed Catholic Sungenis...
"Truth or Consequences" points out the absurdity of the books that are peddled to Christians in the Christian ghetto book stores ( Family Christian Book Stores ). Surveying the books featured in this brochure answers a lot of questions about the doctrinal confusion and shallowness in the church... Paul Lamey has posted what may be one of the most profoundly funny things I have ever seen. Jason, I'm thinking Sunday morning special! Perhaps we could get her to do something along these same lines with "Amazing Grace." John Hagee teaches that Israel does not need Christ as Savior. He teaches that God will save them apart from the work of Christ on the cross. This is where hyper-dispensationalism leads folks. It is the unbiblical teaching that God has one way of salvaiton for... I saw this posted at FideO and thought it was a good reminder for everyone looking for the perfect church.
More on the qualifications of elders by Thabiti at "Pure Church" ( Well Thought of by Outsiders ).
The following article by Michael Horton is posted at the Nine Marks Ministry site (I provide a link to Nine Marks on this blog). Dr. Horton is, I believe, one of the most thoughtful and challenging theolgians of his generation. I know this article is a bit lengthy but I think there is relevance for...
Thabiti continues his excellent study on the qualifications of elders ( Mature and Humble ). This was posted at Christian Research Net. It's a bit long but illustrates well why so many pulpits are impoverished. By abandoning the call to be shepherds of the Lord's flock, pastors have also abandoned the long discipline of studying the biblical text. Why not...