infant baptism

T hanks to our friends at Reformed Fellowship , we have four (4) copies to give away of Danny Hyde's popular book, Jesus Loves the Little Children: Why We Baptize Children . Kevin DeYoung says, " This is an intelligent, gracious, and careful explanation for why Christians ought to have their...
I n the previous two articles (see 1 , 2 ), we have considered one argument for and one objection to infant baptism from the writings of Stephen Marshall (1594-1655). We are now going to turn our attention to a benefit of infant baptism. There are several avenues we could explore in this regard,...
G od wants Christians to baptize their infant children. It took me a while to make such a claim. I was converted at 21 and spiritually raised in Arminian Baptist circles. Eventually, I embraced the “doctrines of grace” and joined a Reformed Baptist church where I started to struggle with my...