William Greenhill

T hanks to Reformation Heritage Books, Meet the Puritans has a number of copies of The Fading of the Flesh by George Swinnock, Stop Loving the World by William Greenhill, and Triumphing over Sinful Fear by John Flavel to give away. One entry per household please. Deadline to register is Friday,...
Update (Monday, October 24): Because of the amount of sign-ups for this giveaway, we are now giving away two (2) of these bundles. Thank you for your interest and support! Please share the news with your friends. Meet the Ps' friends at Reformation Heritage Books has provided us two 3-book bundles...
William Greenhill, Stop Loving the World , ed. Jay T. Collier (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2010). 73pp. Worldliness is an increasing problem in Western Christendom. No one wants to admit that they are worldly, but the tragic fact is that Christians have often lost sight of how the...