
Thank you for your commitment to God’s inerrant Word and for helping to make the Alliance Giving Tuesday event a success. You raised $47,760 in 24 hours! I’m sure your inbox and social media platforms were filled with messages from many worthy ministries and causes seeking your support. It means a...
Where is Christ most glorified? As hard as it is for many to believe, the Son of God was never more glorified than as he hung on the cross of Calvary, absorbing the righteous wrath of a holy God as a substitute for sinners. The slate of our sins was wiped clean, and the record of debt that our...
If you are attending the PCA General Assembly June 10-14 in Richmond, VA, be sure to stop by Booth 416 to say hi. I will be there giving away copies of I Have a Confession: The What and Why of the Westminster Confession of Faith by pastor and Place for Truth contributor Nathan Eshelman . Working to...
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has a rich treasury of sermons from throughout our 75-year history. We want these messages to have maximum impact on the Church. One of our key goals is to construct a reliable and searchable database that is easily accessible to our supporters and listeners...
Download the free Alliance app—available on Apple and Android devices — to read, watch, and listen to the wealth of content and resources from the Alliance anytime! Quickly access broadcasts, podcasts, articles, and devotionals like The Bible Study Hour, Mortification of Spin, reformation21, Place...
Thank you to everyone who has supported the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals through prayers and gifts in 2023. You have a tremendous impact with every gift, helping to stem the tide of secularism in our culture and even our churches. It is a difficult time for believers. The American culture...
Thank you to everyone who supported the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals on Giving Tuesday. The gifts we received exceeded the $10,000 match offered, raising a total of $30,920.86. Alliance broadcasts, events, and publishing are possible because of prayerful, generous support. We are grateful...
Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology Online
This is a special weekend at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals! Friday and Saturday, June 23 and 24, will be an online edition of the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, Here We Stand: The Five Solas of the Reformation . Kevin DeYoung, Richard Phillips, Philip Ryken, and Geoffrey...
Eric Alexander
We learned this past weekend that Eric Alexander has gone to be with Christ. It was early Sunday morning when I received a text from a friend with this news. My first response was to get on my knees and thank the Lord for Eric. What a dear man. It is his blessing to be received to glory and our...
Imagine a podcast where kids talk about the people, big events, and amazing stories in church history. The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is excited to announce Kids Talk Church History—a new podcast in partnership with author and historian Simonetta Carr. This one-of-a-kind podcast features...