discernment and reading

Anxiety. Everyone’s experienced it. Ask the child who gets bullied at school, the teenager who compares herself to others on social media, the college student preparing for exams, the young professional striving for a promotion, parents caring for an injured or sick child, and the elderly facing...
Hannah More and Her Lasting Influence on Education and Christian Service She has been described as the most influential woman in the British abolitionist movement – in fact, one of the most important women in 18 th -century Britain. After her death in 1833, the Christian Observer dared to say: “...
I have sat before women with tears streaming down their face confessing the truth of God’s sovereignty, but questioning His love in the face of death, despair, disappointment and disillusionment. Whether it’s the loss of a baby, the end of a marriage, the loss of financial security, the end of a...
If pastors and elders are to serve their congregation well, what are their responsibilities when it comes to being aware of what Christians are reading? I'm sure that a mere twenty years ago, aspiring pastors never thought that reading or writing blogs would be a valuable resource to their ministry...
If pastors and elders are to serve their congregation well, what are their responsibilities when it comes to being aware of what Christians are reading? I'm sure that a mere twenty years ago, aspiring pastors never thought that reading or writing blogs would be a valuable resource to their ministry...
If pastors and elders are to serve their congregation well, what are their responsibilities when it comes to being aware of what Christians are reading? I'm sure that a mere twenty years ago, aspiring pastors never thought that reading or writing blogs would be a valuable resource to their ministry...
If pastors and elders are to serve their congregation well, what are their responsibilities when it comes to being aware of what Christians are reading? I'm sure that a mere twenty years ago, aspiring pastors never thought that reading or writing blogs would be a valuable resource to their ministry...