Book briefs

In his book The Orthodox Church, the late Bishop Kallistos Ware, shared the story of a group of emissaries sent out by Prince Vladimir in search of “true religion.” They make their way through various kingdoms and religions all found unsatisfactory. Finally, they reach Constantinople and worship at...
Steve Meister
Review of James Renihan, To the Judicious and Impartial Reader: A Contextual-Historical Exposition of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (Founders Press, 2022). It’s rare when books promoted as landmark or groundbreaking actually are. But the publication of To the Judicious and Impartial...
Growing in Grace As both of our hosts are respected authors and enjoy discussing a great book, it would only follow that sometimes the interviewers would become interviewees. Such is the case today as James Dolezal grills (even fillets!) Jonathan Master, concerning his book Growing in Grace:...
Last night I finished my pilgrimage through Augustine’s City of God . Considering it took Augustine almost a decade to finish book nineteen after starting I would say that I made better time on the reading than he did the writing. I wish that I could say all twenty-two books and eight hundred and...
On Our Bookshelves Every college professor, theologian, and pastor takes on a substantial load of book study in the daily performance of his duties. Most, however, enjoy a bit of leisure reading whenever possible, and our hard-working hosts are no exception. Today Jonathan and James discuss the...
As far as I know none of the books on my list have much to say about global pandemics. But they do have much to say about the goodness and sovereignty of God, anxiety, and our eternal hope. Knowing God by J.I. Packer A contemporary classic that can be read and benefitted from in every season of...