Old Testament

It’s a plot fit for a Hallmark Christmas movie. A young widow follows her mother-in-law to a small town where she is considered an outcast. She catches the eye of a kind and wealthy bachelor, who makes a grand gesture to redeem her as his wife and gives her an inheritance and a son. Yet the well-...
Obadiah is a neglected text in the Old Testament. It is a short text, weighing in at twenty-one verses. A lightweight for sure. However, this is probably not the reason for its neglect. No, neglect likely stems from its subject matter. It is a book about Edom. You heard me right, Edom, the...
Dr. Gary Schnittjer returns for further conversation about the streamlined yet expanded second edition of his popular book on the Pentateuch. In part 2 of their interview, Jonathan and James dig deeper into what’s new in Professor Schnittjer’s book and how Gary’s experience in writing Old Testament...
Gary Schnittjer’s The Torah Story: An Apprenticeship on the Pentateuch became an instant classic upon its release in 2006. Sophisticated yet highly accessible, The Torah Story approaches the first five books of the Old Testament as both internally intrinsic and interconnected, unfolding a...
The Shadow of Christ in the Book of Lamentations How many sermons have you heard from the Old Testament book of Lamentations? Clearly, it’s not a “fan favorite,” but—as author and professor C.J. Williams explains—the prophet Jeremiah’s poetic laments offer us practical insights into grieving with...
Old Testament Use of Old Testament - Part 1 NOTE: To begin the new year, Jonathan and James have chosen to repost one of their favorite interviews of 2021. This two-part conversation concludes on our next episode on 1/24/22. Our hosts are delighted to welcome a friend and former colleague Gary E...
Things have shifted a bit, as James is now thriving on the West Coast while Jonathan remains in the Southeast. Regardless of the distance and time difference, both are delighted to welcome a friend and former colleague Gary E. Schnittjer. Gary joins them to discuss one of the most anticipated books...
Turning the page
Carl calls it “the triumph of hope over experience,” as Michael Morales bravely returns for a sit-down with our dynamic duo. Morales discusses his new book, Exodus Old and New: A Biblical Theology of Redemption . Michael is professor of Biblical Studies at Greenville Presbyterian Theological...
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary debuted on “The Spin” in 2019 in the person of Michael Morales, the seminary’s professor of Biblical Studies. Who Shall Ascend the Mount of the Lord? is Michael’s latest work on the book of Leviticus, and part of the New Studies in Biblical Theology...
Hilary of Poitiers and the Wonder of the Triune God “He Who upholds the universe, within Whom and through Whom are all things, was brought forth by common childbirth; He at Whose voice Archangels and Angels tremble, and heaven and earth and all the elements of this world are melted, was heard in...