
The Christian doctrine of the Triune Godhead is often thought more in terms of an intellectual puzzle to be solved than a truth to be adored . But the fact of the matter is that the truthfulness of this Scriptural teaching is of immense practical comfort for the child of God. It is the Triune God...
We resume our reading of the Puritan Paperback, Sermons of the Great Ejection with the first of three pieces by Anglican Thomas Watson. “The Great Ejection” was the explusion of nearly 20% of Anglican ministers from their cures in the 1662 Act of Uniformity. Born in Yorkshire and graduate of...
H ow can New Covenant Christians sing Old Covenant Psalms? In my previous post we looked at William Ames' (1576-1633) resolution of the "case of conscience" of singing "imprecatory Psalms." The well-known words of Jesus, "pray for those who persecute you" (Matt. 5:44), are often used as...
I love the hymn "Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners" - but one line makes me uncomfortable every time I sing it: "Jesus! What a strength in weakness! Let me hide myself in him; tempted, tried, and sometimes failing , he, my strength, my vict'ry wins." Sometimes failing? How about many times...often...
"Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!" (Ps. 43:3) Almighty, everliving, merciful Lord God and Heavenly Father, we cry out to you in praise as you are in our midst! You who spoke in the beginning, and by means of your Word...
Reformation Scotland Trust was formed in 2013. Their stated aim is “to promote the restoration of the Christian Church in Scotland, by informing, educating and promoting understanding of the attainments of the Second Reformation in Scotland.” That is an aim that I’m sure many readers of Meet the...
How should we respond to heresy? As we have seen in our previous article , the early Christian theologian Irenaeus of Lyons (c.130-c.200) is a great model here. There must be a robust theological response based on Scripture. And confessional parameters must be emphasized. But there must also be...
How should we respond to heresy? As we have seen in our previous article , the early Christian theologian Irenaeus of Lyons (c.130-c.200) is a great model here. There must be a robust theological response based on Scripture. And confessional parameters must be emphasized. But there must also be...
Jay Harvey
God's people need to be prayed for. They need to led in prayer. They need to be taught how to pray. We all believe that prayer is important. Nevertheless, working our convictions about prayer into our practice of ministry is challenging. The Apostles declared "But we will devote ourselves to prayer...
Samuel Miller (1769-1850) was a noted pastor-theologian remembered for his wise council concerning revivals as well as his fervent commitment to praying for authentic revival (as opposed to the pelagian-styled revivalism of Charles Finney). His keen theological mind was used by God in training up...