
From time to time I am asked why as an Anglican I include reading the Puritans as a discipline in my daily office of prayer (Anglican clergy take an oath to pray through Morning and Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer ). Many are scared off from reading the Puritans thinking they are too...
John Bunyan is no doubt best known for his Pilgrim’s Progress, a beautiful allegory of the Christian life, a book which has lasted the test of time. And in his own day Bunyan was well known as an excellent preacher. He often preached at John Owen’s church in London, where Charles Doe remarked that...
Prayer is not easy. I find that true myself, but others whom I respect have also given testimony to the difficulty of prayer. Some chaps make it sound easy; if they spend hours a day in the tent of meeting, they probably have their computer in the tent with them. Consider the following testimonies...
Matt Jenson
"Come to me all you who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28) Oh, the beauty of Jesus' invitation. Who has not known the weariness that Jesus evokes, and the almost palpable relief in the promise of succor? For the anxious in particular, no words are sweeter. And for...
Matt Jenson
"Come to me all you who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28) Oh, the beauty of Jesus' invitation. Who has not known the weariness that Jesus evokes, and the almost palpable relief in the promise of succor? For the anxious in particular, no words are sweeter. And for...
Andy Draycott
So the government authorizes, or the apparatus of the state undertakes, torture. So what? We live in a fallen world and we are not surprised that criminal activity insidiously seeps into the highest reaches of public authority and command. We are realists, we are not shaken. Of course, we may also...
Andy Draycott
So the government authorizes, or the apparatus of the state undertakes, torture. So what? We live in a fallen world and we are not surprised that criminal activity insidiously seeps into the highest reaches of public authority and command. We are realists, we are not shaken. Of course, we may also...
Christians have always been persecuted. Peter reminded his readers of this in the earliest days of the church: “…knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by the brotherhood throughout the world” (1 Peter 5:9b). But it does seem as if the suffering of Christians – whether at...
Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World Edited by C.J. Mahaney Foreword by John Piper Crossway Books (September 2008) 192 p. A broken leg gets more attention than the nagging pain in your side. But the attention we give to an illness is not always an accurate judge of its severity...
Brad Irick Articles
The Heart of Prayer: What Jesus Teaches Us By Jerram Barrs 256 p. P&R Publishing (February 2008) Reviewed by Brad Irick Recently, reformation21's own Derek Thomas preached the Sunday evening service at FPC Jackson from Nehemiah 1:11b-2:8. While commenting on Nehemiah's instinctual prayer in 2:4...