Theology on the Go in Summary: The Sufficiency of Scripture

Theology on the Go in Summary: The sufficiency of Scripture
We here at Theology on the Go want to help you to help others. Often we are in a conversation with someone on a topic that we know we have seen on Theology on the Go but the podcast and articles are scattered over a two-week period, which is great for slow digestion of good spiritual food but not so good for handy reference! So, we want to help. We are summarizing a podcast topic and its accompanying articles on a single page for easy reference. Here is one on the Sufficiency of Scripture.
We have been described throughout history as “people of the Book.” That phrase means that we not only value the book called the Bible but we find it sufficient for faith and life. But what does that mean? In February of this year, we explored what it means to call Scripture sufficient. So, take a few minutes to refresh your memory on an important truth which ought to be embraced by all Christians.
The Sufficiency of Scripture Podcast with Jonathan Master
Scripture, Sufficient for What? by Jeffrey Stivason
The Sufficiency of Scripture and the Glory of God by Jeffrey Waddington
The Sufficiency of Scripture in Decision Making by Michael Matossian
The Sufficiency of Scripture in Biblical Scholarship by David Smith
The Sufficiency of Scripture for Biblical Counseling by Martin Blocki