Meet the Puritans

Meet the Puritans

T he doctrine of salvation (Soteriology) is necessarily intertwined with the doctrine of God (Theology Proper). Your understanding of what God does and how he saves will affect your understanding of who God is, and vice versa . The puritans faced this issue in their debates with the so-called...
Reformed, experiential Christianity birthed the pioneer missionary efforts of men such as John Elio t (160 4 –1690), David Brainerd (171 8 –1747), William Carey (1761–1834), Adoniram Judson (178 8 –1850), and John G. Paton (182 4 –1907). This mission effort was small and struggling until it...
W. Bradford Littlejohn and Scott N. Kindred-Barnes, eds., Richard Hooker and Reformed Orthodoxy , vol. 40, Reformed Historical Theology (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2017). 355pp. Hardcover. H istoric Reformed orthodoxy was marked both by unity and diversity. The development of Reformed...
Give us this day our daily bread. —Matthew 6:11 In A Body of Divinity , Thomas Watson (1620–1686) presented over 150 sermons on essential Christian teachings, including a series on the Lord’s Prayer. Here is a brief section taken from his treatment of the fourth petition: Thus we argue from the...
S tephen Geree was one of several puritan ministers who wrote against the so-called Antinomians during the 1640’s. His main target was Tobias Crisp. Crisp, who has been regarded by some as the high priest of English Antinomianism, moved to London in 1642 where he quickly became an influential...
Reformed, experiential Christianity birthed the pioneer missionary efforts of men such as John Elio t (160 4 –1690), David Brainerd (171 8 –1747), William Carey (1761–1834), Adoniram Judson (178 8 –1850), and John G. Paton (182 4 –1907). This mission effort was small and struggling until it...
At the time of his death, Puritan Richard Baxter (1615–1691) had published approximately 150 treatises, not including countless other letters and papers. [1] The following passage comes from A Call to the Unconvered to Turn and Live , which begins with a quote from Ezekiel: Say unto them, As I live...
T heology is the doctrine of living to God. More specifically, we live to God, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit. How we define theology determines how we study theology. If theology is merely the science of God, in which we study biblical data in order to talk about God, then open Bibles, clear...
His Theology of the Word I n our last post, we considered William Tyndale’s writings and will now examine his theology more closely touching on key themes. It was my intention to briefly discuss these in one post, but I quickly realized that such would simultaneously become too lengthy and...
In the last article , I noted the love that some puritans expressed for John 17 and for verse 24 in particular. Verse 24 is special because it teaches that Jesus desires us. He wants us to be where he is. In the present article, I want to look at the reason Jesus wants us to be with him . Jesus...