Posts by Todd Pruitt

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The long awaited Systematic Theology from John Frame has just been released and it is currently 50% off at wtsbooks .
On Sunday I began a series of messages through the book of Ruth. The first message, entitled "The Road to Nowhere" is available HERE .
To be a single-issue voter is often sneered at as being too simplistic or overly confined to an ideology. However, I would suggest that all of us are single-issue voters. Each of us have a line, that if crossed by a politician renders them unworthy of our vote. For some that may be tax policy. For...
Sad news has come from Vision Forum in recent days. But, as David Murray points out , the resignation of Doug Phillips carries with it a sobering lesson for all of us.
I appreciate David Robertson's review of Tullian Tchividjian's new book One Way Love . Robertson gives voice to many of my own concerns about what I believe is a rising tide of antinomianism within the church, especially among the neo-Reformed. Robertson writes: One Way Love? But it’s not just a...
I appreciate David Robertson's review of Tullian Tchividjian's new book One Way Love . Robertson gives voice to many of my own concerns about what I believe is a rising tide of antinomianism within the church, especially among the neo-Reformed.
I have been encouraged by the resurgence of Reformed doctrine within the Southern Baptist Convention. I say "resurgence" because Calvinism in the SBC is nothing new. In fact the Doctrines of Grace are woven within the founding documents of the denomination and its first seminary. I wonder how many...
It is a small leap from killing children in the womb to killing, say, two-year-olds (an idea already proffered by Princeton's Peter Singer). Belgium is now considering a law that would allow children to be euthanized. This ought to outrage but not surprise. A culture that approves the killing of...
I am excited to see the publication of Thy Word is Still Truth . “The embattled title casts this book as an apologia for Westminster Seminary’s stand in a recent internal debate. Yes, it is all of that, but it is a great deal more. It is a massive array of extracts from major writers over five...
Sunday was Reformation Sunday. I preached from 2 Timothy on the Scripture's authority and sufficiency. The title of the sermon is "Above All Earthly Powers" and can be listened to HERE .
Good stuff from Aimee Byrd: The other day I was in the middle of a workout when the phone rang. I glance over to notice that it is my grandma. Better get that. As I push the pause button and catch my breath to answer, grandma is spilling praise over the phone to me about my newly released book. Of...
Michael Jensen has written a terrific article concerning biblical sexual ethics and how the church has often become counterproductive in the ways it teaches about sex. Jensen writes: Or again: we speak about marriage as if it is like some kind of no holds barred festival of sex and sexual intimacy...
It is not an easy thing to be the pastor of a mega-church. There are peculiar pressures and temptations that accompany such a role. Not least is the temptation to believe that you are big enough to write your own rules. The church's "success" is so intricately woven to your own that you become too...
Every May I attend the Basics Conference at Parkside Church. It is an outstanding conference for pastors. The audio and video of last year's conference has been posted online. Along with Alistair Begg, the speakers were Kevin DeYoung and Thabiti Anyabwile. The messages are well worth the time to...
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has launched a new website called Place For Truth . Check it out.
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin us up and running. It is one of our shorter "Bully Pulpit" editions. Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit gives hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt a chance to briefly discuss timely issues. Listen as they discuss some criticism and backlash they have...
Here, in no particular order, are some of my favorite books related (perhaps indirectly) to the Protestant Reformation: The Consuming Fire by Michael Reeves This is my favorite introduction to the Reformation. It is rich in historical detail and theological reflection. Highly Recommended. Living...
The church needs a bit more satire. I know evangelicals are a pretty thin-skinned bunch and things like satire and irony are often lost on them. But these helpful polemical devices are found in God's inspired Word so I believe we can safely assume that there is a proper place for them in sanctified...
As an ordained minister in the PCA I took vows affirming my belief that the Westminster Confession of Faith is an accurate summary of the Bible's doctrine. That does not mean that I believe the WCF to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. Indeed, that belief is contrary to the Confession! Rather, it...
As a young pastor I became convinced of the Doctrines of Grace. As a young Southern Baptist pastor I was terrified of this. At that time I did not know about a resurgence of Reformed theology within the Southern Baptist Convention. Indeed, that resurgence was still in its infancy. Nine Marks...
I was raised in a large Southern Baptist church in Houston, Texas. I was educated in Southern Baptist institutions. I was ordained in a Southern Baptist church. Coming of age in the 1980's I remember well overhearing the discussions at home and church about the conservative resurgence within the...
As a rather newly ordained Teaching Elder within the PCA I'd like to offer some loving counsel to my fellows in the denomination. If you ever appear on a nationally televised program to discuss the love and grace of God, please, please mention Jesus. Mention sin. Mention the cross. Something! If...
The latest edition of the Mortification of Spin is up and running: Author and blogger Aimee Byrd joins your regular hosts Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt to talk about a perennial issue throughout the life of the church: abuse. Though Carl and Todd have discussed this issue before, they seek Aimee's...
In the month of November I will be preaching through the book of Ruth. I love this little book nestled between Judges and 1 Samuel. Between those two books, which record such large accounts of prophets, kings, and conquests, Ruth tells the story of a little family struggling to survive. In Naomi,...
On Sunday I preached Psalm 13. It is entitled "How Long O Lord?" and can be listened to HERE .
Good stuff from the White Horse Inn : When sharing the faith with others, should we primarily focus on what happened to Christ, or what happened to us? In other words, should we focus on the gospel of Christ as we find it unpacked in the New Testament, or should we emphasize our personal...
There is an interesting post over at Bring the Books appealing to the so-called disaffected evangelicals to embrace the Reformed Faith. I couldn't agree more. Recommended: A Quest For Godliness by J.I. Packer
Are the miraculous gifts for today? Does God speak to His people outside His Word? These are some of the key questions that will be explored in the Strange Fire conference . It sold out quite early so the organizers decided to provide a live video stream of the event HERE .
Beginning in November I will be preaching through Ruth. I love the book of Ruth. It is the story of a small family during tumultuous times. It takes place in the days of the Judges when "everyone did what was right in his own eyes." In the midst of those terrible times God shines a light on the...
On Friday, Carl and I spent the better part of the day recording new episodes of the Mortification of Spin . We were joined by the Housewife Theologian herself, Aimee Byrd to talk about things like modesty, Halloween and the theology of preaching. We also spent some time with Gloria Furman about...
On Friday, Carl and I spent the better part of the day recording new epis odes of the Mortification of Spin . We were joined by the Housewife Theologian herself, Aimee Byrd to talk about things like modesty, Halloween and the theology of preaching. We also spent some time with Gloria Furman about...
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. You may also want to check out Carl's suggested rating system for listening to MOS. What has become of marriage in our society? When the rules are as bent as they are now, even something as absurd as "marrying" oneself is...
It was bound to happen. Sooner or later, Carl and I would violate one of the vague rules of evangelical decorum. In a recent edition of our humble little 12 minute podcast, The Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit , Carl Trueman and I critiqued comments made by two mega-church pastors at a recent...
On Sunday I preached the final sermon in our series through Jonah. It is entitled "God's Amazing Scandalous Grace" and may be listened to HERE .
Jim Wallis, a leading light in the religious left, has released a YouTube video calling the "shutdown" of the federal government unbiblical. He is wrong. Wallis employs the very same tactics he has publically deplored when used by Christian conservatives. Take time to read the following two pieces...
Check out the latest edition of Mortification of Spin . Carl and Todd are at it again! Join them as they discuss Todd's "journey" to his new Presbyterian "tribe" from his Southern Baptist roots. Listen in and learn more about the distintives of church governmental structures between denominations...
Desert Springs Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico hosts an excellent annual conference called Clarus . I have never attended but I have listened to quite a bit of the audio. Carl Trueman has been a guest and has presented a number of helpful addresses. I encourage you to take time to listen to the...
On Sunday I preached part 4 of our series through Jonah. It is entitled, "Repentance, Anger, and the Mercy of God" and can be listened to HERE .
A new feature at Mortification Of Spin is a shorter, high impact broadcast called "Bully Pulpit." It's our way of responding to calls for weekly rather than bi-weekly editions. Our goal is to hit one topic rather quickly but thoughtfully in a way that will be helpful for the listener. Given the...
On Saturday (Sept 21, 2013) I took vows to be a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) . I was, at that time received into the Blue Ridge Presbytery and formally accepted the call to be Lead Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church . As I stood before my brothers and took the vows...
I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Dr. Tom Nettles new biography of Charles Spurgeon: Living By Revealed Truth: The Life and Pastoral Theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon .
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running. If you get heartburn over the mention of the word "liturgy," you may find some proverbial antacid in the thoughtful conversation between our hosts on this episode of The Mortification of Spin. In fact, Carl and Todd remind us that our churches are...
// Behold Your God looks like a very helpful resource for churches to use in Sunday School, small groups, session meetings, etc...
As many of you know I am in the process of swimming across Lake Geneva. Actually, I have already made that trip theologically. Now I'm in the process of making it official with the proper authorities in the PCA. I am the newly elected Lead Pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in beautiful...
It really did happen. Check it out HERE . Just because some of our brethren are humorless does not mean the rest of us have to be.
On Sunday I preached my first sermon as pastor elect of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, VA. It was a blessing to open God's Word with these beloved saints. My text for the sermon was Psalm 96. You can listen to it HERE .
In his latest article over at Ref21 Carl Trueman recounts a recent visit he made to King's Chapel at Cambridge University. Trueman, a graduate of Cambridge, remembers the gospel-less preaching of King's Chapel during his student days. However, on this visit he wished his youngest son to experience...
Good stuff from Alistair Begg: [youtube]
On the latest edition of the Mortification of Spin , Carl and I interview Aimee Byrd about everything from the threat of mountain dwelling cannibals in West Virginia to the importance of teaching doctrine in the church. Check it out HERE . [youtube] You...