Posts by Todd Pruitt

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I am truly not shocked by the recent announcement by Rich Stearns that World Vision will now employ homosexuals so long as they are "married." Anyone paying attention to World Vision in recent years has noticed a gradual movement away from certain distinctives that once made evangelicalism...
Franklin Graham released the following statement on World Vision's decision to endorse homosexual relationships: I was shocked today to hear of World Vision's decision to hire employees in same-sex marriages. The Bible is clear that marriage is between a man and a woman. My dear friend, Bob Pierce...
If you are a well known pastor and have been involved in a public scandal that has harmed the reputation of Christ's church (bullying elders, plagiarism, building a 16,000 ft mansion, etc) then you may want to employ the services of a public relations firm. True, there are a few pesky Reformed...
The latest Mortification of Spin is up and running: Sin. Loss. Deprivation. Law. Grace. Aimee, Todd, and Carl are joined by author and counselor Barbara Duguid on this installment of Mortification of Spin. Barbara is author of the book "Extravagant Grace," and grace is the topic at hand. How are...
Dr. Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently delivered the second annual Spurgeon Lecture at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. It is well worth the time to listen. //
Dr. Al Mohler of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary delivered the second annual Spurgeon Lecture at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. It is well worth the time to listen.
On Sunday I preached part 6 in our current series through Acts. It is entitled "An Ordinary Church" and can be listened to HERE .
Thesaying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desiresa noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of onewife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a...
The good folks at Matthias Media have posted a nice little article on Leon Morris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Quite simply, Dr. Morris was one of the most important New Testament scholars of the 20th century. In my own study, Leon Morris is one of the first people I look...
The good folks at Matthias Media have posted a nice little article on Leon Morris on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Quite simply, Dr. Morris was one of the most important New Testament scholars of the 20th century. In my own study, Leon Morris is one of the first people I look...
On March 12 John Piper was the guest lecturer for the 7th annual Gaffin Lectures at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. The title of Dr. Piper's lecture is "The New Calvinism and the New Community: The Doctrines of Grace and the Meaning of Race." // The...
On March 12 John Piper was the guest lecturer for the 7th annual Gaffin Lectures at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia. The title of Dr. Piper's lecture is "The New Calvinism and the New Community: The Doctrines of Grace and the Meaning of Race." The New Calvinism and the New Community from...
The latest episode of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. The Spin team hit up their local Christian bookstore to browse the shelves and peruse the contents of some popular books. Based on the message of these books, the American Church is in danger of forgetting the truth of the...
The air out there in the evangelical atmosphere continues to get more noxious. In recent days it has been revealed that Mars Hill Church in Seattle spent over $210,000 to market the pastor's book Real Marriage . If you are wondering if it sounds a bit fishy for a church to spend over $200,000 of...
Given the topic of the latest Mortification of Spin I thought I'd pass along a few recommendations. For some reason many of the junk books that populate the Christian market are targeted to women. So I'm calling for a holy rebellion against bad, sentimental, mystical, and otherwise silly books for...
You ought to check out Carl's latest . I remember when he first began ringing the alarm about the rise of celebrity culture within the neo-reformed movement. He was largely dismissed or ignored completely. Well, the chickens, as they say, have come home to roost. The Elephant Room demonstrated that...
On Sunday I preached part 5 in our series through Acts. It is entitled "They Were Cut to the Heart" and may be listened to HERE .
The call to be a pastor is one of unparalleled privilege. It is a joy, though a sobering one, to preach God's Word for the benefit of God's people. For battered pastors, however, (and they are numerous) the glad labor of being a pastor has become detrimental to their well-being and that of their...
The latest episode of Mortification of Spin is up and running. What is the purpose of a robust theology if it cannot serve to practically help the believer? How does that theology play into God's sovereignty through our suffering? Aimee, Todd, and Carl talk with pastor and cancer survivor Paul...
I have shared my concerns about the practices of Pastor Steven Furtick and Elevation Church previously on this blog . I have done this out of a deep concern for the peace and purity of the church and the integrity of the office of pastor. One of my questions has been whether the Southern Baptist...
Over at Ref21 I have begun a series of posts on the topic of battered pastors . One of the scandals in the contemporary church is the number of men who are driven out of the ministry every year. My goal in the posts is to both encourage pastors and assist churches in watching for warning signs that...
A little more than a year ago I read Handbook for Battered Leaders . It was written by husband and wife Wesley Balda and Janis Bragan Balda. Wesley is president of the Simeon Institute. In the past he has led the Ph.D. program at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management and was founding...
I posted some thoughts over at Ref21 on whether or not we should respond to slander. I examine Paul's response to those who slandered him. At times he presented a clear and passionate defense. Other times he did not refute the slander against him. Is there a pattern that we can follow or learn from...
I have an impulse I'd like to tell you about. It is an impulse to defend myself when I am slandered. Sometimes that impulse is appropriate as evidenced in the Apostle Paul. Other times that impulse is laden with sin. If you are a pastor then you almost certainly know what it is like to be slandered...
I have often admired Martin Luther, and wondered at his composure. When all men spoke so ill of him, what did he say? Turn to that Psalm--"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble; therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be...
The latest edition of Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. This edition of the Mortification of Spin marks the inauguration of a new game: Bully Pulpit Challenge! Carl, Aimee, and Todd respond to a listener's email asking for a critique of an interview that "pastor" Carl Lentz...
On Sunday I preached part 3 in our series through Acts. It is entitled "And Then There Were Twelve" (Acts 1:12-26) and can be listened to HERE .
"We call those things mercies which please us, ease us, suit our wants, and fall in with our cravings. Truly they are so, but not less gracious are those benefits which cross us, pain us, and lay us low. The tender love which chastises us the gentle kindness which bruises us, the fond affection...
I have often admired Martin Luther, and wondered at his composure. When all men spoke so ill of him, what did he say? Turn to that Psalm—"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble; therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be...
Though the month escapes me, every year Barnes and Noble features famous banned books in their stores. The collection includes such titles as The Catcher in the Rye , Candide , Lolita , and even the Bible. Many of the books are now ubiquitous in libraries and bookstores. But there was a time when...
The Young Restless and Reformed movement which sprang to prominence in the early 2000's has received much praise and much criticism. Certainly a few of the more public personalities associated with the YRR have been a bit, shall we say, goofy. However I remain grateful for the YRR. I cannot help...
I am excited about a new teaching series from Ligonier on John Buyan's classic Pilgrim's Progress . It features well produced videos of the always terrific Dr. Derek Thomas. Dr. Thomas traces both the story and the biblical themes so faithfully represented by Bunyan. If you have never read Pilgrim'...
I am a blessed man. I have the privilege of serving a church as pastor. There are more blessings attending to this call than I can possibly describe. God has been especially kind in allowing me to serve a church that loves its pastors well. But I have not always had this experience. I sojourned...
On Sunday morning during the first service as my wife and I were standing and singing with our brothers and sisters, she leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I'm so glad we're here." I could not have agreed more. We have lived for six months in Harrisonburg, Virginia where I serve as Lead Pastor...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. Aimee, Carl, and Todd like to push buttons, and this week’s installment of the Mortification of Spin is no different as they discuss sexual ethics. Our current cultural milieu is one which exalts sexual behavior, and to speak out...
I spent my early years in ministry immersed in the language of vision and mission. Somewhere along the way, it was decided that if a church was going to be successful then it must have both a mission and vision statement. If you were really good you had purpose, vision, and mission statements. It...
Once again we are being told that a movie is going to present the church with an amazing evangelistic opportunity. Rick Warren is on the job once again even after his assurances prior to The Passion of the Christ did not exactly pan out. The pastor of Saddleback Church will be producing small...
On Sunday I preached the second message in our series through Acts. It is entitled "You Will Be My Witnesses" and can be listened to HERE .
Evangelicals love movements. I suppose it's because it makes us feel a part of something big or at least bigger than our church. Don't misunderstand. I like a good conference as much as anyone. I have benefited from good conferences. I appreciate Together for the Gospel , not least of all because...
Evangelicals love movements. I suppose it's because it makes us feel a part of something big or at least bigger than our church. Don't misunderstand. I like a good conference as much as anyone. I have benefited from good conferences. I appreciate Together for the Gospel, not least of all because...
From Michael Horton: You know, it's ironic to me that in our day, as in every day of decline and superstition throughout church history, people turn from God's miracles to their own. What do I mean by that? Well, once people stop believing that salvation is a miracle and begin thinking that it is...
I think a lot of the rejections in evangelicalism today of God’s sovereignty and biblical infallibility are not unrelated to the more recent conversations about the need to attend regular local church services. They are all simply manifestations of a rejection of authority... - Jared Wilson We've...
Jeremie - You Britts take yourselves way too seriously. That said, I understand your sensitivity. We Americans have not always appreciated some of your more important contributions to Western civilization...
Holy Trinity Brompton is an evangelical powerhouse in Great Brittan. What is more, through their well known Alpha Course , HTB is a world-wide presence. There is much to admire and appreciate about HTB and the Alpha Course. But, in my mind, the things to be concerned about are significant. In a...
The latest Mortification of Spin: Bully Pulpit is up and running. On this installment of Bully Pulpit, Aimee, Todd, and Carl discuss the multi-generational nature of the Bride of Christ. How do we reconcile the fact that different generations seem to want different things from a church? Is it true...
On Sunday I began a series of sermons through the book of Acts. Part one is entitled "The Acts of the Risen Jesus" (1:1-5) and may be listened to HERE .
Given my previous post , I thought it would be a good idea to pass along a recommendation for an outstanding book on the nature of work and vocation. It is by Lutheran thinker Gene Veith and is entitled God At Work . I highly recommend this helpful book for individual reading and group discussion...
Work is good. There have been times when the church did not always affirm this. The work of the clergy was the only holy vocation. Worldly work did not carry the spiritual cache of religious occupations. At the risk of oversimplifying, it was the Protestant Reformation which recovered the notion...
It appears as though our demise will be more Huxleyan than Orwellian.
This will probably be the last thing I post on Donald Miller's recent revelation that he does not attend church. No promises, mind you. Miller's two posts provide us with a rich source of understanding the bitter fruit of the consumer church. As such, reflection on this can be a fruitful endeavor...