Posts by Todd Pruitt

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I am excited about an upcoming event at Westminster Seminary. It is entitled "Science and Faith: Friends or Foes?" and will be held on the seminary campus March 12th and 13th. Are science and faith at war? Does science undermine or corroborate belief in God? Does faith suppress or inspire...
"Where Peter commands us always to be ready to set forth a defense of the hope in us, he also specifies the condition under which this must done: 'Set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts' (1 Peter 3:15). In all our apologetical endeavors we must honor Christ as Lord over our thinking and...
As you consider making resolutions for the new year consider reading the entire Bible in 2010. ESV Daily Reading Plan M'Cheyne's Reading Plan ESV Daily Reading Bible Check out more options HERE .
Take a listen to the 100th episode of Christ The Center over at Reformed Forum . Among the issues discussed in this episode is what it means to be Reformed.
From Kevin DeYoung : Abortion is not just one issue among many. We are not just arguing about different means to a shared end. We are arguing about the “right,” pulled out of constitutional thin air, to end a life. Abortion is the deepest social injustice because the human is helpless and innocent...
From Paul McCain over at Evangel : Muslims and non-Muslims who live in nations where Islam is not the law of the land talk a lot about how Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. Christians who live in Islamic nations tell a different story. I picked this up from Ron Dreher’s blog, who writes...
I know it's not fashionable right now to call terrorists, well, terrorists . Anyway, it seems that those fellas we released from Gitmo were being detained for a reason. From Brian Ross, etc over at ABC News : One of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines...
Good article (part one of a series) by Martin Downes on the (almost) 20th anniversary of Robert Brow's "manifesto" on "the new evangelicalism." It is almost twenty years since Christianity Today published the article "Evangelical Megashift: Why you may not have heard about wrath, sin, and hell...
The books published in 2009 that I most appreciated are (in no particular order): Words of Life by Timothy Ward Christ-Centered Worship by Bryan Chapell The Gospel-Driven Life by Michael Horton When Helping Hurts by Corbett & Fikkert Ancient Word, Changing Worlds by Stephen Nichols The Erosion...
As Congress and the White House march toward passing massive health care legislation, tax payers face the real possibility of being forced to fund the continuing moral catastrophe of abortion. The only hope of that not happening is for certain pro-life Democrats to steadfastly reject the Senate's...
In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the... That's Christmas (Short Film) HD from St Helen’s Church on Vimeo ...
Does Jesus' command to his followers to "turn the other cheek" mean that the state cannot legitimately bear the sword? David VanDrunen has written an excellent article for Themelios on the difference between the church's responsibilities and that of the state. Among the many biblical passages that...
The Associated Press has posted an article on a so-called "evangelical church" in Denver. I say "so-called" because of the church's decision to embrace homosexuality as a legitimate Christian lifestyle. As I read the article it was clear that the church embraces the standard liberal positions on...
Here are the books I'm taking with me on Christmas break: Presuppositional Apologetics by Greg Bahnsen For the Thrill of It by Simon Baatz Flannery by Brad Gooch The Trellis and the Vine by Payne & Marshall
3. The Promise Fulfilled Notice three ways that God’s Word reveals Jesus to us as the fulfillment of His promise. God in the flesh To fulfill His promise God would not raise up a more moral man. It would not be enough for him to simply find the best man for the job. God himself would have to come...
Justin Taylor comments on a book that is on my must read list for 2010: "Just noticed that for a limited time Amazon has Jay Richard’s hardcover book, Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not the Problem , on sale for 60% off. "Doug Wilson has written that it’s one of the best...
Okay, if you're a theology nerd like me then you will want to read the debate between two of my favorite writers - Carl Trueman and Graeme Goldsworthy. Now, I tease a bit about being a theology nerd. But don't misunderstand. Theology is a deadly serious thing and a precious thing. So I am thankful...
Oral Roberts died this week. He was 91 years old. Roberts was a bit of a denominational mish-mash. He was a Pentecostal faith healer, a United Methodist, a university president, and a proponent of the prosperity "gospel." I know it is normal practice to say nice things about a man when he dies...
God, in his amazing grace does not end His story with the fall . He continues the story with… 2. The Promise Before God tells Adam and Eve of the consequences of their sin he first announces judgement upon Satan. “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her...
Biblical Archaeology Review has an interesting article on why Christmas is celebrated on December 25. The article also dispells the widely held urban myth that Christmas was a pagan holiday. The most loudly touted theory about the origins of the Christmas date(s) is that it was borrowed from pagan...
Grounded in the Gospel by J.I. Packer Jesus, the Only Way to God... by John Piper The Church and the Surprising Offense of God's Love by Jonathan Leeman Scandalous by D.A. Carson
Westminster Seminary has posted 100 audio messages on the authority of Scripture. Check it out HERE .
A fascinating article on those who come to church only during the holiday season: In Ohio, Hattie Gibson, 54, is defiant about only attending church twice-yearly and doesn't care who knows. "I'm a C&E Christian and I'm proud of it," she says. "Churches have been giving me the full-court press...
As someone who lives about an hour from the Jersey Shore I cringed when I saw that MTV was airing a new reality show entitled "Jersey Shore." If you take every stereo type of young New J ersy-ites whose names end with a vowel and magnify it about gazillion times then you get the idea. I must admit...
Village Church in Dallas, TX has released the news that their pastor, Matt Chandler, has a malignant brain tumor. So far in this process Matt has done a good job of suffering well before his congregation. Collin Hansen of Christianity Today reports on the story HERE . The latest report from the...
According to a new study clergy approval ratings are at a 32 year low. The good news is that we are doing much better than politicians but that is not saying much. The study measures attitudes toward clergy ethics and the news is not comforting. Among Catholics, Protestants, and occasional church...
I am so thankful this book has been reissued! I have the old edition and was not sure if there would be a reprinting. After all, holiness is not what most Christians are reading about these days. The banalities of Joel Osteen, the fanciful stories of Tim Lehaye, and the exotic spirituality of the...
Readers of this blog know that one of my favorite writers is Carl Trueman . He always makes me laugh and then he makes me think. His latest article posted at Ref21 caused me to look at myself in the proverbial mirror. When I think about what drives me I cannot help but be mindful of how incomplete...
Choking Hazard! Martin Downes discovers a relic of the wild and wacky world of American evangelicalism. An Insidious Agenda Denny Burk on radical environmentalism and the elimination of humanity Reassessing a Wicked Law The Washington Post on the consequences of China's one child policy Confusing...
In the last 20 years I have heard that statement more times than I can remember. Here are some observations to which anyone in pastoral ministry can relate.
It was common among the ancient Greeks to picture time as moving in a circular fashion. You will still find that same idea in our own day. We speak of “the life cycle” and history repeating itself. Belief in Karma and reincarnation portray time in repetitious cycles. As a recent study by the Pew...
USA Today reports on a study by the Pew Forum on the religious beliefs and practices of American evangelicals, mainline protestants, and Catholics. I can honestly say that I was not at all surprised by the survey's findings. Elements of Eastern faiths and New Age thinking have been widely adopted...
Check out the latest episode of the White Horse Inn . Secularists have argued for many years that religion is an entirely private matter that should not inform public life and policy decisions. But what about secularism itself? Is it really a neutral position itself? On this edition of the White...
Al Mohler has commented on the Tiger Woods debacle. Among the many lessons that can be learned from the scandal Mohler points out three that deal specifically with whether or not Woods' serial adultery is a strictly private matter. 1) Acts done in private can and will have public consequences. 2)...
The phrase "Christless Christianity" sounds strange. How is it possible for Christianity to be Christless? It is actually quite common. Christless Christianity is preaching, evangelism, worship, or ministry that presents Jesus as anything other than the Christ. In Christless Christianity Jesus is...
As the following undercover video reveals, Planend Parenthood has nothing to do with women's "choice" or "reproductive health." They are a pro-abortion business. They grow and sustain their business on deception, lies, and bad science. At one point the abortionist tells the young woman that it's...
The debacle that is the Anglican Church in North America ought to remind us that we cannot make nice with apostasy. Those churches and denominations that were once evangelical but now have departed from biblical Christianity did not reach their sad end overnight. It begin with small compromises...
From Justin Taylor : A sobering stat from a university study: Researchers were conducting a study comparing the views of men in their 20s who had never been exposed to pornography with regular users. But their project stumbled at the first hurdle when they failed to find a single man who had not...
Every year the world--and the church--experiences Christmas, that curious amalgam of paganism, commercialism and Christianity which Western civilization has invented to tide it over the darkest days of the winter. It would be easy to be critical. Yet, in a day of small things, the festive season,...
From R.C. Sproul: There is no greater message to be heard than that which we call the Gospel. But as important as that is, it is often given to massive distortions or over simplifications. People think they’re preaching the Gospel to you when they tell you, ‘you can have a purpose to your life’, or... In a related story , Senator Boxer (CA) compared abortion to Viagra. Brilliant comparison Senator! These are the people writing our laws people.
There is an interesting piece in Slate about Promise Keepers. In case you did not know, the once enormously popular (among many evangelicals) ministry is staging for a comeback. For the purpose of full disclosure I will state that I am not a fan of Promise Keepers. It is not because they teach male...
Charles Spurgeon was a man who contended for the truth. As a result he was reviled and misunderstood. Refusing to yeild ground to those who attacked the inerrancy of the Scriptures, the substitutionary atonement, the necessity of the new birth, etc. led eventually to his departure from his...
Last evening the Senate defeated the Nelson/Hatch Ammendment which would have prohibited the use of federal funds to pay for abortions. The vote, largely along party lines was 54-45. The two Republicans who voted against Nelson/Hatch were, not surprisingly Collins and Snowe of Maine. Six Democrats...
From Shailagh Murray at The Washington Post : The Senate narrowly rejected an amendment that would have restricted abortion coverage in the pending health-care bill, leaving in question whether Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) has the 60 votes needed to move the bill toward final passage. The...