Posts by Todd Pruitt

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A new book by Richard Phillips , one of my favorite preachers and writing pastors, is due to be released next month. The Masculine Mandate looks as if it will address an area of great need within the body of Christ. From the Publisher: There is a crying need in the church today for men to be men...
The good folks at Westminster Bookstore were kind enough to send me a copy of The Trellis and the Vine . I've only read the first chapter but I am hooked. Some pastors I highly esteem are calling it the best book on ministry through the local church that they have ever read. Right now you can get...
I have had the good experience of hanging out with Steve Nichols over lunch. He is one of my favorite people to read. Dr. Nichols is a church historian who knows how to write church history. There is not a single one of his books that I do not highly recommend. One of my top choices for reads for...
Sundays' sermon was part 25 in our series through Hebrews. You can listen to or download "The Sufficiency of Christ" (Heb 9:23-28) HERE .
World Magazine's (one of my favorite mags) Daniel of the Year is Dr. Stephen Meyer. Dr. Meyer is the director of the Discovery Institute's Center of Science and Culture and author of the must read Signature in the Cell . From his office Meyer has ventured forth to debate at least nine prominent...
The late (d. 1995) great Greg Bahnsen. Dr. Bahnsen may well have been the greatest apologist of our generation. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
I am a strong proponent of adventure stories. They can teach such virtues as sacrifice, courage, honor, and perseverance. Fortunately, the history of God's people is full of genuine adventure. A new book by Linda Finlayson is just the type of book I like my boys to read. "There is an odd notion...
From Justin Buzzard's interview with D.A. Carson: 1. In a paragraph, what does it mean to be gospel-centered in one’s Christian life? Some think of the gospel as so slender it does nothing more than get us into the kingdom. After that the real work of transformation begins. But a biblically-...
Al Mohler has commented on a recent decision by Dr. Fancis Collins concerning the use of human embryos in scientific research. The defense of human dignity is the responsibility of all human beings, but certain individuals bear a special responsibility due to position or influence. This is...
“…Without this transcendent Word in its life, the church has no rudder, no compass, no provisions. Without the Word, it has no capacity to stand outside its culture, to detect and wretch itself free from the seductions of modernity. Without the Word, the church has no meaning. It may seek...
Burke Parsons over at Ligonier has posted a four part interview with Michael Horton. Check it out HERE . In a word, what encourages you most about what you see in the church today? The godly lust of many young people for God's grace and glory. In one sentence, what does it mean to glorify God and...
There are encouraging statistics that show more Americans are identifying themselves as "pro-life." Nevertheless, Roe V. Wade is still the law of the land and this to our shame. For years there has been broad agreement in congress that tax payers should not be expected to pay for abortions (the...
A new book from Ligonier Ministries ... Sola Scriptura, the formal principle of the Protestant Reformation, is essential to genuine Christianity, for it declares that the Bible is the inspired word of God, the church's only rule of faith and practice. Yet this doctrine is under assault today as...
From Erica Werner of the Associated Press : "Our goal is to maintain essentially Hyde-like protections that prevent federal funds from being used to pay for and subsidize abortion," [Bob] Casey's communications director Larry Smar said Wednesday, referring to the existing law on abortion, though...
"Has a nation changed its gods, even though they are no gods? But my people have changed their glory for that which does not profit. Be appalled, O heavens, at this; be shocked, be utterly desolate, declares the Lord, for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of...
This week's edition of The White Horse Inn deals with the conflict between Christianity and Islam. What is the meaning of Jihad? Is Islam really a religion of peace? What does the Koran say about terrorism? On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton discusses these questions and more...
ESV Bibles are 40% off right now at Monergism . Check it out HERE .
Nightline aired an interesting story on a program called "Pure Fashion" . In a day when modesty is all but lost Pure Fashion is teaching some important lessons. HT: Denny Burk
"The youngest generation of voters—those most likely to need an abortion—is the most pro-life to come along since the generation born during the Great Depression." There is an interesting article in New York Magazine about the growing number of Americans who are pro-life. The article points out...
The Christian Science Monitor has published a nice article by Kevin DeYoung about, of all things, the doctrine of Justification. DeYoung briefly sketches the controversy between the Protestant and Roman traditions over Justification and shows how the controversy continues primarily through the "New...
Dr. Vern Poythress of Westminster Seminary is interviewed over at Christ The Center . Dr. Vern Sheridan Poythress returns to Christ the Center to discuss his latest book In the Beginning was the Word: Language: A God-Centered Approach to Language published by Crossway. The panel discusses Dr...
Sunday was part 24 in our series through Hebrews - "Finally Forgiven" (Hebrews 9:15-22). You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .
Westminster Bookstore is having a great sale on various children's books and CD's. Check it out HERE .
An excellent post from Martin Downes : The New Testament connects truth with godliness, and error with immorality. Paul speaks in Titus 1:1 about the knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness (cf. 1 Timothy 6:3), and in 2 Timothy 2:16 about irreverent babble that leads people into more and...
On June 20, 2009 an important conference was held held at Westminster Chapel in London. The name of the event was "The Bible and Church Conference" and was sponsored by Tyndale House. The purpose of the conference was to argue for the trustworthiness of the Bible as God's Word. Society is being...
From an article by Wesley J. Smith in the December 2009 issue of First Things : Over the past fifty years, the purposes and practices of medicine have changed radically. Where medical ethics was once life-affirming, today’s treatments and medical procedures increasingly involve the legal taking of...
The following article by Stephen Rees (originally published in Banner of Truth ) can be found in the articles section under the Recommended Resources page at the Church of the Saviour website. Why should Christians be familiar with the great doctrines of the Bible? Let me give you four reasons. 1)...
"Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that...
From Lane Tipton...
I posted on "A Common Word" last year. "A Common Word" is a statement designed to bring about dialogue, trust, and peace between Muslims and Christians. All worthy goals for which we ought to strive. However, the devil, as they say, is in the details. There was an interesting discussion on "A...
"I am not inclined to sign manifestos or petitions. While believing strongly and passionately about many causes, I am not usually impressed with the effectiveness of such statements and I am generally concerned about how such statements might be used or construed by others. I am not reluctant to...
“Because we honor justice and the common good, we will not comply with any edict that purports to compel our institutions to participate in abortions, embryo-destructive research, assisted suicide and euthanasia, or any other anti-life act; nor will we bend to any rule purporting to force us to...
John Piper recently preached at Angola State Prison in Louisianna. His post on the event gives good insights not only about ministry to prisons but how one should preach to those who will live the rest of their lives behind bars. Warden Cain says: I am as nice as they let me be and as mean as they...
"By which He has granted to John His precious and exceedingly great promises; that through these John may become a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world by lust." (2 Pet. 1:4) Have you ever inserted your name as you read the Bible to make it more...
The cross demonstrates the permanent, immutable nature of God's law. To save us, Jesus did not go around the law. He did not remove it. Rather, he fulfilled it. Taht is because the law is the eternal standard by which we will all be judged, and God is passionate about it. Every jot and tittle of...
Michael Horton was interviewed by Christianity Today about his books Christless Christianity and The Gospel-Driven Life . What is at the core of the temptation to practice a Christless Christianity? When the emphasis becomes human-centered rather than God-centered. In more conservative contexts,...
Much armchair and professional psychoanalyzing has gone on about the Major Hasan's murderous rampage at Fort Hood. What seems to be lost in the hunt for a motive is the reality of human sin fueled by a wicked ideology. Al Mohler writes: Any civilization requires a stable, rational, and consensual...
From Paul Tripp: I must face the fact that my greatest need is not environmental. My greatest need does not derive from the fact that the brokenness of the Fall fractures every situation, every relationship, and every context. Yes, all my relationships are flawed in some way. And no, the world...
I know, O Lord God Almighty, that I owe Thee, as the chief duty of my life, the devotion of all my words and thoughts to Thyself. The gift of speech which Thou hast bestowed can bring me no higher reward than the opportunity of service in preaching Thee and displaying Thee as Thou art, as Father...
Keith Mathison from Ligonier Ministries has recommended 13 books on the doctrine of God. Check out the list HERE . I would add to that excellent list a few titles that are a bit more accessable to the lay person: Knowing God by J.I. Packer Behold Your God by Donald MacLeod The Message of the Living...
David Mathis has written a clear and, in my mind, accurate assessment of N.T. Wright's "Justification." More than a review of Wright's latest book, Mathis offers a critique of Wright's tendency toward a less than careful exegesis of the biblical text as well as a frustrating avoidance to truly...
In the latest issue of Themelios, Darrel Bock reviews Bart Ehrman's latest attack on the Bible, Jesus, Interrupted . Bart Ehrman’s Jesus, Interrupted by his own admission says nothing new. It packages what scholars have been saying about issues in the Bible in a very public way for two decades. As...
There are few writers I enjoy reading as much as Cormac McCarthy. I began reading McCarthy when I picked up a copy of Blood Meridian a year or so after I graduated from University. I was hooked. McCarthy was interviewed recently by the Wall Street Journal about his writing, God, movies, and the end...
Tim Challies has given an enthusiastic recommendation to Who Made God? by scholar Edgar Andrews. Why should the Devil get all the good scientists? It sometimes seems that way, doesn’t it? We hear of scientists like Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins and others who are acclaimed as being at the top...
It is my wife's birthday. To celebrate the day, a friend from church took her out to eat and do a little shopping. What struck me as a particularly good gift was the prayer journal that she presented to my wife. It was the prayer journal this lady began keeping in the days prior to the church's...
Good stuff from Carl Trueman... It is all too easy for the theological student to end up remembering God as an object of knowledge; it is quite another thing to remember him as the all-surpassing subject of existence. This is why church is vitally important. OK, long-standing readers of Themelios...